Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli

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Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli (born March 6, 1710 in Padua ; † before 1764 , probably in Madrid ) was a singer and composer of Italian origin who worked in various European cities. He was a musical representative of the late baroque , who used the means of the gallant style .


Paganelli came from a wealthy family and received a broad general education. It may be that Giuseppe Tartini one of his musical teacher.

From 1731/32 he appeared with the Accademia dei dilettanti as a composer of an oratorio and cantatas in his hometown. For the opera in Venice he created La caduta di Leone and Tigrane in 1732/33 . From 1733 he worked as a clavecinist in an opera company under Antonio Maria Peruzzi in Augsburg . His stay in Rheinsberg is documented in 1736 . 1737–38 he was appointed “chamber music master” of Margravine Wilhelmine von Bayreuth , where his wife Johanna worked as a singer. In the Bayreuth court calendars he is titled as Cammermeister , and when a son is baptized in Erlangen, the church book says Cammermusikmeister .

There is no direct evidence for the time thereafter. Paganelli maintained relationships with various German courts without a permanent job, especially in Braunschweig (1737-39), Gotha , Durlach and Munich (1747). His operas also appeared in Venice (1742/43) and Florence (1746).

From 1756 onwards he had the title “Director of Chamber Music for the King of Spain” on printed music, which means that he probably lived in Madrid . From the Parisian print of his 30 duos “dernier œuvre”, published by Leloup in 1764, it can be concluded that he had died at that time.


Paganelli comes from the tradition of the Italian opera seria . In Germany he combines Italian, French and German stylistic elements and writes in a gallant style. His piano works were played by lovers until the beginning of the 19th century.

Vocal music

  • Apoteosi di Alcide , cantata (1731/32, Padua, not preserved)
  • Il figliul prodigo , oratorio (1731/32, Padua, not preserved)
  • Narciso al fonte , cantata (1731/32, Padua)
  • Six Horazoden for soprano ( Quinti Horatii Flacci odae sex selectae fidibus vocalique musicae ... restitutae ), around 1745
  • Premier recueil d'ariettes italiennes et françoises avec symfonie , around 1745
  • Arias (various manuscripts)

Stage works

The operas are only known by name.

  • La caduta di Leone, imperator d'Oriente (autumn 1732, Venice)
  • Ginestra e Lichetto (Carnival 1733, Venice)
  • Tigrane (Carnival 1733, Venice)
  • La pastorella regnante (spring 1735, Prague)
  • Arrenione (1736, Braunschweig)
  • Artaserse (1737, Braunschweig)
  • L'asilo d'Amore (1737, Braunschweig)
  • Tirsi (1737, Wolfenbüttel)
  • Tirsi (1737, Erlangen)
  • Dido (1738, Erlangen)
  • Farnace (1738, Braunschweig)
  • Barsina (autumn 1742, Venice)
  • Engelberta (Carnival 1743, Venice)
  • La forza del sangue (Carnival 1743, Venice)
  • Rosmira (1746, Florence)

Instrumental music

  • 24 sonatas for 2 violins / flutes & B. c. (1740–42)
  • 6 sonatas for 2 violins / flutes & B. c. (around 1745)
  • 30 duos for 2 violins / flutes (1742–64)
  • Trio sonatas for flute, violin & B. c.
  • Six Sonatas for Flute & B. c. (around 1750)
  • 30 ariae per organo et harpsichord (1756)
  • 3 sonatas for harpsichord (1757–62)
  • Amusement for the fair sex, or six sonatines, for the harpsichord (around 1760)
  • Concerto for Soprano Chalumeau & Strings, B flat major, entitled “Concerto p. il Clareto "
  • Sinfonia in F major - Christmas symphony for string orchestra


  • Erich Schenk : Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli: his life and works, along with contributions to the music history of Bayreuth. Salzburg 1928.
  • Folker Göthel: Paganelli, Giuseppe, Gioseffo, Antonie . In: Music in the past and present . 2 Person Part, Vol. 12, Col. 1545–1546.
  • Booklet of the CD "Le Chalumeau Baroque - Concertos inédits du XVIIIe siècle", Pierre Verany, 1996.
  • Alfred Baumgartner: Propylaea World of Music - The Composers - A lexicon in five volumes . tape 4 . Propylaen Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-549-07830-7 , pp. 229 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schenk, p. 9
  2. Schenk, p. 14f
  3. Schenk, pp. 10-12
  4. Schenk, p. 16
  5. Schenk, pp. 17, 170-176
  6. Schenk, pp. 22-24, 35-41
  7. Schenk, pp. 42-49
  8. Schenk, p. 50
  9. a b Göthel, Sp. 1546
  10. Schenk, pp. 49, 104