Giuseppe Torretti

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Giuseppe Torretti (born August 29, 1664 in Pagnano-Asolo , † December 13, 1743 in Venice ) was an Italian sculptor .

He worked mainly in Venice. His statues adorn the churches of Santa Maria Formosa , Santa Maria Assunta (Gesuiti) , Santa Maria di Nazareth (Scalzi) and San Stae .


  • Furnishing the castle chapel of the Villa Manin near Udine together with Francesco Bonazza and Pietro Baratta
  • Stone statues in the Oratory of Cristo Crossifisso opposite the original Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral, works in the Museo civico in Asolo .
  • Wooden figure of St. Anthony on the right transept altar in the parish church of Fratta Polesine , consecrated to St. Peter and St. Paul .
  • Ascension group on the pediment of Santa Maria Assunta (Gesuiti) in Venice
  • Reliefs and statues on the facade of the San Stae church in Venice


  • Reclam's art guide. Northern Italy East . Arranged by Erich Egg, Erich Hubala u. a. Stuttgart 1965

Web links

Commons : Giuseppe Torretti  - collection of images, videos and audio files