Giustino Menescardi

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Giustino Menescardi (* around 1720 in Milan , † after 1779 in Venice ) was a painter of the Settecento .

Life and works

Allegory of Venezia , kneeling in front of Dogenkleidung Maria, Scuola Grande dei Carmini
The Martyrdom of Makkabäerbrüder and St. Salome , Sala dell'Archivio, Scuola Grande dei Carmini
Giovanni Caboto , known in North America as John Cabot, who is considered the discoverer of North America, Sala dello Scudo in the Doge's Palace

The sources only report on the artistic activities of Menescardi, who was initially strongly influenced by Giambattista Tiepolo , although influences from Emilia were asserted, only for the years between 1751 and 1776. He is mentioned for the first time in 1739 and 1747. He was in Venice entered the role of painter. Among his works, the works in San Cassian and in the Doge's Palace stand out, where he left four cards in the Sala dello Scudo , namely L'Africa dallo stretto di Gibilterra all'Arabia , L'Italia e l'Europa Orientale , L'Asia Orientale con i viaggi di Marco Polo e di altri illustri viaggiatori veneziani and Le regioni dell'Asia minore fino all'Indo . In addition, he participated in the furnishing of the Scuola Grande dei Carmini , where he made La Vergine appare al profeta Elia sul monte Carmelo ( The Virgin Appears to the Prophet Elias on Mount Carmel ).

Menescardi may have learned as one of the assistants at Tiepolo in Milan. There Tiepolo worked in the Saint Victor Chapel of Sant'Ambrogio around 1740 , as well as in the Palazzo Clerici . Based on style comparisons, George Knox believes that he has identified a work by Menescardi in the second sketchbook in the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin . It could be a variation of Tiepolo's Naufragio di S. Satiro motif , a work he made for the chapel in question in 1737.

On March 10, 1748, the painter, together with Gaetano Zompini , Bernardo Ustenghi , Francesco Capella , Jacopo Guarana and Santa Piatti, presented the decoration plans for the room that is now called Sala dell'Archivio in the office of the Scuola dei Carmini . Finally, after a lengthy process, Zompini and Menescardi were awarded the contract. Menescardi's original is now in the Metropolitan Museum . However, while Zompini was only paid once, namely on August 23, 1749, Menescardi received a series of payments between January 12, 1751 and March 14, 1753. With the exception of the works by Rebecca al pozzo and Ester dinanzi ad Assuero , all the furnishings come from Menescardi. Among other works, he realized Elia con il servo sul monte Carmelo che implora la Vergine in the middle of the ceiling between 1750 and 1752 . While the eight panels refer more to Tiepolo, the eight pictures of women in front of the blue sky are more likely to be traced back to Veronese's influence . The four panels with the evangelists and the four prophets on the ceiling of the Sala dell'Albergo , which were made between 1752 and 1753, show Menescardi as a master.

Between 1751 and 1776 he was registered in the Fraglia dei Pittori di Venezia , the painters' brotherhood of Venice. His cycle, which was inspired by the Gerusalemme liberata by Torquato Tasso , is now scattered across various collections.

From 1757 to at least 1775 he was a teacher at the Accademia reale di belle arti di Parma . In May 1761, the Senate in Venice decided on new furnishings for the Sala dello Scudo in the Doge's Palace . When the cards were presented by Francesco Griselini in December 1762, the portraits of explorers and allegories of Menescardi were also presented, including Giovanni Caboto .

In 1763 Menescardi worked on the Teatro San Cassiano , which was demolished in 1812 after several fires. For the stage was Andrea Urbani called during Menescardi were incumbent ceiling and the curtain. They were completed for reopening by November 5, 1763. Until October 14, 1766 he also made the frescoes in the salon of the Secondo piano in the Palazzo Crotta .

In October 1768 he was hired at the Scuola della Carità for 100 Zecchino for a painting, namely Mosè salvato dalle acque , which is now in the Gallerie dell'Accademia .

A document mentions Menescardi as a resident of the parish of Santa Giustina in 1770, and he also worked in the parish church of Noale until 1777 , where he made the apotheosis of Saints Felix and Fortunatus and two episodes from their lives, with the support of the painter Francesco Calapo .

Menescardi was last mentioned in 1779 when, as President of the Collegio dei pittori di Venezia, he gave a speech about the unpleasant events in his house.


Web links

Commons : Giustino Menescardi  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. George Knox: The drawings of Giustino Menescardi , in: Arte Documento 10 (1996) 208-220, here: p. 209.
  2. Oreste Battistella: Della vita e delle opere di Gaetano Gherardo Zompini , Bologna 1930, n. 27, p. 41.