Glenn Murcutt

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Glenn Murcutt

Glenn Marcus Murcutt AO (born July 25, 1936 in London ) is an Australian architect . In 2002 he received the Pritzker Prize .


Glenn Murcutt was born in London in 1936 when his Australian parents were on a trip to Europe. From 1936–41 he lived in Papua New Guinea , after which he returned to Sydney with his parents. He completed his studies at the "Technical College of the University of New South Wales " from 1956–61. Murcutt has had his own architectural practice in Sydney since 1969 . In 1973 he made extensive trips to Mexico, USA and Europe. Murcutt is an architecture professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and is in demand as a visiting professor around the world.

In 2002 he received the Hero for the Green Century award from Time magazine (as the founder of the construction of emission-free buildings ). Glenn Murcutt deliberately only designs private houses and cultural buildings, not high-rise buildings. He also only builds in his Australian homeland.

Important buildings

  • 1968: Glenn Murcutt house
  • 1969: House Douglas Murcutt (his brother)
  • 1973: Laurie Short house
  • 1974: Marie Short house
  • 1982-84: Magney House, Bingie Point
  • 1986–90: Magney House, Paddington, Sydney
  • 1983–94: Pratt House
  • 1990: Haus Marika - Alderton, Yirrkala Community, Eastern Arnhern Land ( Northern Territory )
  • 1989–94: Simpson-Lee House
  • 1999: Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Center, Riversdale / Illaroo, NSW
  • 2006–2016: Mosque, Newport (Victoria)

Awards (selection)

Web links

Commons : Glenn Murcutt  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. It's an Honor. Australian Government, accessed July 23, 2010 .
  2. ^ Honorary Members: Glenn Murcutt. American Academy of Arts and Letters, accessed March 16, 2019 .