Goethe Gallery

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Goethe Gallery
Goethe Gallery
Goethe Gallery (2010)
Basic data
Location: Jena GermanyGermanyGermany 
Opening: February 29, 1996
Sales area : ~ 29,000
Shops: 75
Owner : HFS Real Estate Fund Germany 12
Website: www.goethegalerie.de
Transport links
Tram : 5
Omnibus : 10, 11, 12
Parking spaces : 644
Technical specifications
Architectural style : Modern
Construction: Glass

The Goethe Galerie is a shopping center in the independent city of Jena in Thuringia . It is located in Jena city center on part of the former Zeiss factory premises and is located between Teichgraben and Carl-Zeiß-Platz and between Ernst-Abbe-Straße and Ernst-Abbe-Platz .

After renovating existing buildings and adding new ones, the Goethe Galerie was opened on February 29, 1996 and has since been the largest shopping center in the city and one of the largest shopping centers in Thuringia . A renovation in 2011/2012 increased the retail space to around 32,000 m². The shopping opportunities extend over one to four floors, a glass structure spanning the passage dominates.

The anchor tenants are the SinnLeffers , Intersport , Spiele Max , tegut , Rossmann fashion stores and, since 2012, the Media-Saturn-Holding with a Saturn store after the renovation .

The property is owned by a real estate fund and operated by Wealth Management Capital Holding . The facility management took over in 2012, the Sauter FM .

In 1997, the Goethe Gallery was awarded the MIPIM Award in the “Business Center” category. In spring 2017, the Goethe Gallery as part of the tendered by the Thuringian Ministry of Economy ideas competitions "digital innovation" and "digital platforms" was equipped with a IBeacon infrastructure that customers so-called location-based services / location-based services to enable. Among other things, indoor navigation is planned. The project is intended as an innovation hub and as a test area for future implementation in brick-and-mortar retail and is supported with funds from the “Digital Innovation” and “Digital Platforms” project funds provided by the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society.

Web links

Commons : Goethe-Galerie (Jena)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b About the center. www.goethegalerie-jena.de, accessed on August 24, 2014 .
  2. WealthCap Real Estate Management GmbH - rental management shopping center. (PDF) (No longer available online.) Wealth Management Capital Holding , archived from the original on August 26, 2014 ; accessed on August 24, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / workplace.wealthcap.com
  3. Frank Döbert: The decision to convert the Goethe Gallery in Jena. OTZ , August 2, 2011, accessed on August 24, 2014 .
  4. Sauter FM takes over WealthCap Shopping Center. property magazine, April 27, 2012, accessed August 24, 2014 .
  5. Tino Zippel / 01/14/17: A clear vision: cell phones should guide customers through the Goethe Gallery in Jena. Mediengruppe Thüringen Verlag GmbH, January 14, 2017, accessed on May 17, 2017 .
  6. Thomas Meyer: Favendo is driving digitalization in Thuringia. Favendo GmbH, January 12, 2017, accessed on May 17, 2017 .

Coordinates: 50 ° 55 ′ 39.4 "  N , 11 ° 34 ′ 57.5"  E