Gottfried Hertzka

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Gottfried Hertzka (born October 12, 1913 in Bad Gastein ; † March 6, 1997 ) was an Austrian doctor and founder of the so-called Hildegard medicine .

Live and act

Hertzka was born as the son of the spa and community doctor of Bad Gastein, Josef Hertzka, grew up in Salzburg and completed his medical studies in Vienna in 1938.

In the morning when he was representing a fellow country doctor near Amberg and after reading " Mein Kampf " at night , he took down the Hitler picture and replaced it with a crucifix . The Gestapo arrested him and he was remanded in custody in the Gestapo prison Fronfeste in Amberg. He was later imprisoned in Landsberg concentration camp for nine months. During his detention he vowed to God "If I survive this horror, I will bring Hildegard's medicine to the people."

After a few years as a country doctor in Bavaria, he worked as a general practitioner in Konstanz from 1947 . In his medical work, he was guided by the medical writings of Hildegard von Bingen , of whose visionary origin he was convinced. Together with the Constance pharmacist Max Breindl (1905–1991) and his wife Ellen Breindl (1923–1997), he began developing appropriate recipes from 1960 onwards . He coined the term Hildegard medicine and since 1970 promoted the practical application of Hildegard's healing advice: “Hildegard medicine is not served with lectures and historical considerations. It wants to be applied. ”His works have been translated into several languages.


The mystic researcher Josef Sudbrack said with regard to Hertzka's interpretation of the visionary character of Hildegard's medical writings: "Hertzka suspected the right thing, even if formulated too apodictically, too logically-unequivocally and too polemically."

Publications (selection)

  • This is how God heals. The medicine of St. Hildegard von Bingen as a new natural healing method . Christiana, Stein am Rhein 1970, (18th edition 2006), ISBN 3-717105272 .
  • The miracle of Hildegard medicine . 8th edition. Christiana-Verlag, Stein am Rhein 1997, ISBN 3-717107410 .
  • Handbook of Hildegard Medicine , Christiana-Verlag, Stein am Rhein 1987


Jürgen Helfricht : Konstanz, Zähringerplatz 17. Notschriften-Verlag, Radebeul 2020, ISBN 978-3-945481-91-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Amberger Zeitung of December 5, 2011, p. 25
  2. Hertzka 1970, (15th edition 1992) 3rd cover page
  3. Hertzka 1970, p. 150
  4. Josef Sudbrack. Hildegard von Bingen. See the cosmic wholeness . Echter, Würzburg 1995. ISBN 3-429-01696-7 , p. 20