Gottlieb von Zötl

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Gottlieb Zötl , later Knight of Zötl , (born September 1, 1800 in Kitzbühel , † January 6, 1852 in Hall in Tirol ) was an Austrian forest scientist .


Zötl received his first lessons in his hometown. He then attended secondary school and high school in Innsbruck . After almost two years in commercial professions, he went to the forest office in Kitzbühel, where he began his forestry training. In 1819 he entered the forestry career and became a forest overseer in the Upper Inn Valley . In 1821 he was promoted to forest warden and entrusted with the Stanzer Tal area , but in 1823 he went to the kk forestry school in Mariabrunn to lay the foundation for his further career . Here he studied with very good grades until 1825, after which he went on a study trip to the Salzkammergutbefore returning to his office.

Zötl became an assistant at the Academy in Mariabrunn in 1827, before he was promoted to forestry master of Brixlegg in 1831 . In 1837 he came to Hall in Tirol as a forester, where he became a kk Bergrat in 1841 . From 1847 he was also a member of the Forest Service Removal Commission for Tyrol , later its head.

Zötl was also an excellent shot. He tried to expand the archery. During the war in Italy in 1848, an Inntäler group of snipers was active under his leadership. The unit was officially called Compagnie Zötl . He received the Order of the Iron Crown III from the Emperor for his services . Class and was raised to the knighthood. After returning from the Italian territories, he fell ill with a brain disease from which he eventually died.

Works (selection)

  • Handbook of forestry in the high mountains , Gerold, Vienna 1831.
  • Instructions for the treatment and conservation of the tree forests . In: New Yearbooks of Forestry , Volume 26, Dingeldey, Darmstadt 1842.


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