Al-Jahra Governorate

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Saudi-Arabien Iran Irak Gouvernement al-Asima (Kuwait) Gouvernement Hawalli Gouvernement Mubarak al-Kabir Gouvernement al-Farwaniyya Gouvernement al-Dschahra Gouvernement al-Ahmadilocation
About this picture
Basic data
Country Kuwait
Capital al-Jahra
surface 12,130 km²
Residents 496,515 (2014)
density 41 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 KW-YES

Coordinates: 29 ° 45 '  N , 47 ° 30'  E

The al-Jahra governorate ( Arabic الجهراء, DMG al-Ǧahrāʾ , often Al Jahra ) is the largest of the six governorates in Kuwait , its capital is the city of the same name, al-Jahra . It comprises the northern and western parts of the country as well as some islands in the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab (for example al-Warba and Bubiyan ) and has an area of ​​12,130 km² and 496,515 inhabitants (status: 2014 census). The governorate was created in 1979 when it was detached from al-Asima . Neighboring governments are al-Asima, al-Farwaniyya and al-Ahmadi , and al-Jahra borders Iraq and Saudi Arabia .

The most populous city in the governorate is as-Sulaibiyya , other larger cities besides al-Jahra are Taima , al-Qasr , al-Waha and al-Uyaun .

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