Petosiris (high priest)

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Petosiris in hieroglyphics
st nTr

Padiwesir / Petosiris
(Pa di Wesir)
P3 ḏj Wsjr
The one Osiris gave
anx f
sw A40

(Anch ef (en) Chonsu)
ˁnḫ = f <n> Ḫnsw
Chons is his life
Tomb of Petosiris.JPG
The tomb of Petosiris in Tuna el-Gebel

Petosiris , Padiwesir also called Anchefenchonsu , son of Sishu and Neferrenpet, lived in the second half of the 4th century BC. BC, in the transition period from the Achaemenids to the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. The ancient Egyptian high priest Petosiris is not the well-known astronomer Petosiris .


He was royal scribe , Lesonis and high priest of Thoth of Hermopolis Magna . In addition, he held numerous priesthoods in the service of the deities Sachmet , Khnum , Amun-Re and Hathor . In an autobiographical inscription in his grave, he prides himself on having rebuilt the fallow temples, especially during his seven-year tenure as Lesonis.

The tomb of Petosiris

Petosiris is best known for the tomb he had built in Tuna el-Gebel , the necropolis of Hermopolis Magna. The architecture of the tomb is modeled on a temple with pronaos . The tomb is also known for its depictions of everyday scenes in a mixed Greek-Egyptian style. Greek graffiti show that the grave of Petosiris, later venerated as a saint, was visited by the sick in order to be healed again. The coffin of Petosiris, known for its colorful glass inlays, is now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (JE 46592).


  • Christian A. Caroli: Ptolemy I. Soter. Ruler of two cultures . Badawi Artes Afro Arabica, Konstanz 2007, ISBN 3-938828-05-6 , pp. 148–158.
  • Wilhelm Gundel and Hans Georg Gundel : Astrologumena. The astrological literature in antiquity and its history . Steiner, Wiesbaden 1966, p. 31.
  • Wolfgang Helck and Eberhard Otto : Petosiris. In: Small Lexicon of Egyptology. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 3-447-04027-0 , p. 222.
  • Werner Huss : The Macedonian King and the Egyptian Priests (= Historia. Individual writings 85), Steiner, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3515065024 , pp. 137-138.
  • Gustave Lefebvre : Le tombeau de Petosiris . 3 volumes, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo 1923–24 ( PDF; 33 MB ).
  • Miriam Lichtheim : Ancient Egyptian Literature. Volume 3, University of California Press, Berkeley 1980, ISBN 0520094433 , pp. 44-54.
  • Bernadette Menu: Les carrières des Egyptiens à l'étranger sous les dominations perses. Les critères de justification, leur evolution et leurs limites . In: Transeuphratène . Volume 9, 1995, pp. 81-90.
  • S. Naqaten: Petosiris . In: Lexicon of Egyptology . Volume IV, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1982, pp. 995-998.
  • Eberhard Otto : The biographical inscriptions of the Egyptian late period - their intellectual historical and literary significance. (= Problems of Egyptology. 2). Brill, Leiden 1954, pp. 17-184.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A corresponding proposal by Wilhelm Spiegelberg was rejected by Gustave Lefebvre. Lefebvre: Le tombeau de Petosiris. Volume I, p. 9.
  2. For the full title of Petosiris see: Lefebvre: Le tombeau de Petosiris. Volume 2, p. 53 (inscription 81,1.9).
  3. Lefebvre: Le tombeau de Petosiris. Volume 2, pp. 54-91 (inscription 81, 43ff.).
  4. This type of grave was therefore referred to as a "grave temple" by early excavators such as Walter Honroth.