Grengjer tulip

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Grengjer tulip
Tulipa grengiolensis-002.jpg

Grengjer tulip ( Tulipa grengiolensis )

Order : Lily-like (Liliales)
Family : Lily family (Liliaceae)
Subfamily : Lilioideae
Genre : Tulips ( tulipa )
Type : Grengjer tulip
Scientific name
Tulipa grengiolensis

The Grengjer Tulip ( Tulipa grengiolensis ) is a flowering plant in the family of the lily family (Liliaceae). It is an endemic that only occurs in the municipality of Grengiols ( Canton Valais / Switzerland ).


Vegetative characteristics

The Grengjer tulip grows as a perennial herbaceous plant . This geophyte forms onions with secondary onions as persistence organs. It reaches a height of 30 to 65 cm. The four to five leaves are 20 cm long and up to 3.5 cm wide.

Generative characteristics

The flowering time is in May. The hermaphrodite flowers are threefold. Arranged in two Dreierwirteln bloom are 4 to 5 cm long. There are two circles with three stamens each. The stamens are bare. The three-lobed scar head is about twice as wide as the ovary .

Systematics and botanical history

The Grengjer tulip ( Tulipa grengiolensis ) was discovered on May 26, 1945 by the botanist Eduard Thommen , who published its first description a year later and named it after the place where it was found Grengiols.

It is a neo-tulip , one of several small clusters that have arisen from overgrown garden tulips ( Tulipa gesneriana ), to which it is often used as a synonym .

Its exact origin is still unclear. It is assumed, however, that this type of tulip found its way to Grengiols through the Romans , as the Römerweg used to lead through the municipality and thus secured its refuge here.

There are three known forms of the Grengjer tulip:

  • Tulipa grengiolensis Thommen forma omnino-rubens : With pure red bracts . This form bloomed again for the first time in a long time.
  • Tulipa grengiolensis forma omnino-lutea Thommen: With pure yellow bracts and stamens.
  • Tulipa grengiolensis forma rubrovariegata Thommen: With pointed, red-edged, later orange bloom bracts , which have a black basal spot; their stamens are dark red-black.


This type of tulip mainly blooms in the small, typical Valais rye fields at altitudes of around 990 meters. This fact makes it extremely difficult to maintain this unique type of tulip. Since 1994, however, the Valais Nature Conservation Union has plowed a pasture, sown winter rye and planted the Grengjer tulip. Today this piece of earth is part of a nature reserve.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Eduard Thommen: New tulip occurrence in Valais: Tulipa grengiolensis E. Th. In: Bulletin de la Murithienne, Société Valaisanne des Sciences Naturelles. Volume 63, 1946, pp. 63-68, PDF file .
  2. Victoria A. Matthews, Christopher Gray-Wilson: Tulipa L. In: Stuart Max Walters, A. Brady, CD Brickell, J. Cullen, PS Green, J. Lewis, VA Matthews, DA Webb, PF Yeo, JCM Alexander ( Ed.): The European Garden Flora. A manual for the identification of plants cultivated in Europe, both out-of-doors and under glass. Volume 1 Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Angiospermae - Monocotyledons (Part I). Cambridge University Press, London, New York 1986, ISBN 0-521-24859-0 , p. 183, limited preview in Google Book search.

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