Gustav Sachers

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Gustav Sachers (born August 20, 1831 in Hammerstein , † December 7, 1874 in Reichenberg ) was a Bohemian architect and building contractor .


Sachers was the son of a mechanic and grew up in Machendorf . He received his training from the Reichenberg master builder Anton Hollub. Then he went to Munich and worked as a bricklayer. During this time, Sachers got to know various painters, sculptors and architects, who suggested that he study because of his artistry. In 1853 Sachers was enrolled at the Munich Art Academy in the subject of architecture. One of his fellow students was Wilhelm Busch , with whom he became close friends. After completing his studies, Sachers returned to Bohemia and worked as an architect in Reichenberg . Since the order situation could not cover his livelihood, Sachers considered a fresh start in America. On the advice of his father-in-law Anton Hollub, however, he refrained from his emigration plans and founded his own construction company in 1863. This was renamed after either of associates as Sacher & gardener . The construction company was successful and developed into one of the largest in Reichenberg. After Sacher's untimely death, the construction company continued to exist under the company Gustav Sacher's sons and built a. a. 1883 the city ​​theater and 1888-1892 the town hall in Reichenberg. The construction company went out in 1945.

Villa Liebieg
Villa Schmitt

Buildings (selection)

  • 1864: Railway station in Smiřice
  • 1864: The Smiřice chateau was repaired
  • 1864–1868: Evangelical Church in Reichenberg - Liberec (demolished in 1976)
  • 1867–1869: Reconstruction of the old town hall in Gablonz - Jablonec nad Nisou
  • 1870–1872: Society house in Turnau - Turnov , Hluboká 146 (today Restaurant Slávie)
  • 1872: Reichenberg Castle remodeled
  • 1872: Villa for Johann Liebieg jun. in Reichenberg - Liberec
  • 1874: Villa for Franz Schmitt in Böhmisch Aicha - Český Dub

Individual evidence


Web links

Commons : Gustav Sachers  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files