Hackerville (TV series)

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Television series
German title Hackerville
Original title Hackerville
Country of production Germany , Romania
original language German , Romanian
Year (s) since 2018
HBO Europe, TNT Series , UFA Fiction , Mobra Films
length 55 minutes
Episodes 6 in 1 season ( list )
genre Crime , thriller
Director Igor Cobileanski ,
Anca Miruna Lazarescu
idea Ralph Martin , Jörg Winger
music Silent Strike
camera Tomasz Augustynek
First broadcast November 4, 2018 on HBO Europe

First publication in German
November 8, 2018 on TNT Series

Hackerville is a television series produced in Romania and Germany for the TNT series and HBO Europe . Behind the series is, among others, Jörg Winger , who was responsible for Germany 83 . The series was awarded the Grimme Prize 2019 .


A major German bank in Frankfurt am Main fell victim to a hacker attack in which the hard drives were deliberately overheated and the BKA investigator traced back to Romania . To help locate those responsible on site, the BKA sends its investigator Lisa Metz to the Romanian city of Timișoara , where she once grew up. Because of the recent hack, the Romanian investigators raided an apartment that was used by a group of hackers around Dragos Matei and had been under surveillance by the Romanian investigator Adam Sandor for a long time. Before they are arrested, the group brings the majority of the 500,000 euros in cash stolen from their hacks to safety from the police, after which they are released again because of a lack of evidence. Lisa and Adam observe Dragos as he gives the money to Cezar Iacob, who acts as the leader of the hacker gang and uses the money to buy a house. A little later the house burns down completely as a result of arson.

When Lisa realizes that Dragos' younger 14-year-old brother Cipi must have played a major role in the hack, she defies the order to return to Germany and begins to gain Cipi's trust in order to further investigate his role. Without knowing that Lisa is a police officer, Cipi invites her to an internet café that he and the group use for cyber attacks and plays an online game with her that also includes controlling urban traffic lights. Lisa realizes too late that these are the real traffic lights in the city and that her game in Timișoara has caused numerous traffic accidents. When Cipi notices that Lisa is a police officer, he turns away from her, disappointed.

Meanwhile, as a street musician, Dragos comes into contact with the criminal entrepreneur Andrei Borisov, who introduces himself as a music producer. In fact, Andrei plans to use Cipi for hacks and online theft. Hiding his true motives, he invites Dragos and Cipi to a party in a remote villa. There Cipi is forced by Andrei to hack into a bank and as a test to steal a small amount of money. However, Cipi also secretly steals important customer data. Feeling in danger, Dragos and Cipi flee the building through a forest. While Cipi manages to escape with the help of Lisa and Adam, Dragos is captured by Andrei.

Lisa and Adam hide with Cipi at first in a former hospital and later in Lisa's run-down former home. Meanwhile, Lisa's father Walter has come from Germany to bring his daughter back. Friends of Adam's superior, Inspector Valentin Pogonaru, he supports the investigation into the capture of Cipi while a special police unit is in charge of the manhunt. Warned by the appearance of the special forces at the house, Lisa, Adam and Cipi flee to an abandoned refinery area, where they have located Dragos' cell phone. There Lisa and Adam find Dragos shot dead, take his cell phone with them and do not reveal anything to Cipi about Dragos' death.

Andrei is chasing Cipi to get the stolen customer data back, and the police are chasing Cipi as the person responsible for the hacks. Lisa wants to protect him from the hunters. Supported by Adam and a former professional hacker, she and Cipi go into hiding in an abandoned village house. In a conversation about her father, Lisa now realizes that her father was probably a member of the Securitate secret service during the Ceaușescu rule and that he must have lied to her. Meanwhile, Cipi notices Dragos' cell phone in Lisa's pocket. Thereby he gets the information that Dragos was murdered and flees home, assuming Lisa and Adam would be disinterested in solving the murder. However, the police await him there and arrest him. Andrei is waiting for him there too, but Walter tracks it down. Valentin pursues Walter and injures him in revenge for his secret service work in the past with one shot, which means Andrei can escape.

In order to receive Cipi, Andrei and his helpers kidnap Adam's daughter and try to blackmail Adam into an exchange of prisoners within two hours. At Andrei's request, Adam has all traffic surveillance cameras paralyzed by Cezar. Meanwhile, Lisa lets the other hackers help her track down the place where Cipi probably hid the stolen data. To do this, they play a computer game favored by Cipi, imitating his game decisions. So they find a USB stick, but Andrei tries to steal it from them. Adam's colleagues can overwhelm Andrei and arrest, Adam's daughter is freed. The data on the stick are top-secret scenarios for possible coups .

Finally, Lisa and Adam free Cipi from his police custody to prevent Cipi from being extradited to the FBI at the urging of the USA. In this context they find out that Wolfgang, Lisa's superior at the BKA, is cooperating with Darius, the owner of the data stolen by Cipi and client of Andrei, regarding Cipi's extradition. Lisa and Adam help Cipi to achieve a cover identity with which he ultimately withdraws to Odessa as someone wanted by the BKA and the USA .


No. Original title First broadcast D Director
1 Three nines 4th November 2018 Igor Cobileanski
2 Red wins 4th November 2018 Igor Cobileanski
3 The talented Mr. Cipi November 11, 2018 Anca Miruna Lazarescu
4th Divide et Impera 18th November 2018 Anca Miruna Lazarescu
5 Offline November 25, 2018 Igor Cobileanski
6th Do you want to play? 2nd December 2018 Igor Cobileanski

Cast and German dubbed version

The German dubbed version was created by VSI Synchron in Berlin, the dialogue was directed by Zoe Beck based on the dialogue book by Sigrid Scheurer and Zoe Beck.

actor Role name German Voice actor role
Anna Schumacher Lisa Metz Anna Schumacher Cybercriminalist at the BKA, daughter of Walter Metz
Andi Vasluianu Adam Sandor Gerrit Hamann Romanian investigator
Voicu Dumitras Cipi Matei Derya Flechtner Hacker, younger brother of Dragos Matei
Calin Chirila Valentin Pogonaru Bernd Vollbrecht Police commissioner
Ada Lupu Nicoleta Danciu Daniela Molina Police officer
Vlad Brumaru Dragos Matei Kaze Uzumaki Elder brother of Cipi Matei
Stefan Lupu Cezar Iacob Nils Nelleßen Chief of the hackers or scammers
Ovidiu Schumacher Walter Metz Father of Lisa Metz
Sabin Tambrea Andrei Borisov Criminal entrepreneur


The first season of the series was released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 29, 2019.


The film service rated the first season with four out of five possible stars and rated it as worth seeing and as an "exciting, multi-faceted, [...] series [...] that thrives on multi-layered characters and an unusual setting."

In the FAZ , Anna-Lena Niemann praised the series as "coherent" and "well-told cyber thriller".

For Deutschlandfunk , Julian Ignatowitsch sees the series as “a typically German production with thematic potential, but without surprises and depth” and criticizes in particular “the secondary stories woven in Tatort style”, “wooden dialogues”, the “unsuccessful German [ ...] dubbed version ”and the“ German-Romanian clichés ”of the series.

Web links

Commons : Hackerville (TV series)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Peter White: 'Hackerville': HBO Europe & Germany's TNT Series Debut Cyber-Crime Thriller Trailer , in: Deadline.com from Sep. 20. 2018, accessed Sep 1. 2019.
  2. Christian Buß: Cyberthriller series "Hackerville": The most dangerous child on the Internet. In: Spiegel Online. November 7, 2018, accessed May 13, 2020 .
  3. DWDL de GmbH: "Hackerville": New series of "Germany 83" makers. In: DWDL.de. Retrieved May 13, 2020 .
  4. imfernsehen GmbH & Co KG: [UPDATE] "Hackerville": TNT series shows new in-house production from November. In: fernsehserien.de. Retrieved May 13, 2020 .
  5. Winners of the 55th Grimme Prize 2019 announced. Grimme Prize, February 26, 2019, accessed April 13, 2020 .
  6. a b Hackerville. In: synchronkartei.de. German synchronous file , accessed on September 1, 2019 .
  7. Hackerville. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 22, 2020 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  8. Anna-Lena Niemann: Hackers are only human , in: FAZ from Nov. 8, 2018, accessed on Sep. 4. 2019.
  9. Julian Ignatowitsch: Series “Hackerville” - A very real cybercrime drama. In: Deutschlandfunk . February 6, 2019, accessed April 22, 2020 (German).