Hannes Ostendorf

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Appearance by Hannes Ostendorf at a LEGIDA rally in January 2017

Hannes Ostendorf is a German musician and right-wing extremist . He is regarded as the front man of the extreme right-wing hooligan band Category C .

Musical engagement

According to the band, originally founded as a musical hobby project on the occasion of the 1998 soccer World Cup in France, the band has now released over five albums. Hannes Ostendorf is a founding member of the band. At times he sang for the band " Nahkampf ". This band is closely connected to the neo-Nazi network " Blood & Honor ", which was banned in 2000 . One of their songs can be found on the CD sampler that the NPD distributed to schoolyards in 2005. Disputes within "Category C" led to the split of the band. Rainer Friedrichs founded the band "VollKontaCt" together with other musicians, while singer Hannes Ostendorf also continued to make music under the name "Category C - Hungry Wolves". Ostendorf got support from another band from the hooligan spectrum.

Political commitment

Hannes Ostendorf in 2006

Ostendorf and the later drummer "Illey" are members of the right-wing extremist hooligan group "Standarte Bremen".

Hannes Ostendorf and his band "Category C" were one of the main founding activists of the so-called " Hooligans against Salafists (HoGeSa)" movement. Hannes Ostendorf had composed a new song especially for the demonstration in Cologne with the motto "Hooligans against Salafists".

According to the author Andrea Röpke , Ostendorf is "by no means as apolitical as he likes to be". In 2006 he gave a solidarity concert for the imprisoned singer of the criminal band " Landser " in Berlin. The Bremen band was the only one on stage in Cologne. Apparently not only Hannes, but also his brother Hendrik played an important role in the run-up to the "HoGeSa" demo. "

In 2014 at the north derby between HSV and SV Werder Bremen on the Weser, more than 100 Nazi hooligans chartered an excursion boat and drove it up the Weser to the stadium. The group, mostly masked with balaclavas, was u. a. Led by Hannes Ostendorf, they hunted passers-by and followed right-wing extremism expert Andrea Röpke and another journalist.

At the last home game of SV Werder Bremen in the 2014 season against Borussia Mönchengladbach (0-2), a fan project was attacked . On the Facebook profiles of relevant right-wing extremist organizations, profiles appear again and again, listing the employees of the socio-educational institution as supporters of "Antifa Ultras violent criminals". Vigilante justice was requested there. The call was spread through channels such as the German Defense League's Facebook profile . Hannes Ostendorf also shared the appeal.

During a march in Ludwigshafen am Rhein organized by pro-NRW activist Dominik Röseler in May 2015 , Hannes Ostendorf was checked by the police and was banned from entering the demonstration. The organization group "Jointly Strong Germany" from the "HoGeSa" environment also received no approval for a "Category C" performance.

In 2016 and 2017, Hannes Ostendorf appeared at events on the anniversary of LEGIDA's founding in Leipzig.

Business activities

Since 2006, Ostendorf has been running a snack stand called "Baguette de France" on Lilienthaler Hauptstrasse in the small town of Lilienthal near Bremen . Ostendorf wanted to expand its business on December 1, 2011; he no longer just wanted to sell salads, baguettes and crepes, but also clothes and CDs.

His brother Marten Ostendorf sold sports food as well as neo-Nazi fashion brands such as " Thor Steinar " in his Bremen store "Sportsfreund ". Until it was closed in July 2011, the shop was, according to the protection of the Constitution, a "meeting place for right-wing extremists with a subculture".

Many Lilienthalers feared that the expansion of Hannes Ostendorf's shop to include textiles would mean relocating the "Sportsfreund" business. The board of directors of the local swimming association DLRG initiated an open letter to Lilienthal's green mayor Willy Hollatz and asked him to do everything in his power to "prevent the establishment of a right-wing radical meeting in the middle of Lilienthal". The DLRG had its youth rooms in the same building as Ostendorf's shop.

Hannes Ostendorf, in turn, denied the expansion plans in Lilienthal's local newspaper. He feels that this "made up story" has damaged him as a "private and business man".

In 2018, Ostendorf and his wife wanted to run a food truck next to a private student residence on the internationally oriented campus of the University of Bremen . After the Antifa had drawn attention to this fact, the food truck disappeared again at the instigation of the property owner.


Hannes Ostendorf has close political ties with his brother Henrik Ostendorf . He is active in the NPD Verden and the neo-Nazi scene in Bremen and, according to the protection of the constitution, is considered to be the "mastermind in the international network between the NPD, the NS skin milieu and the hooligan scene" . Hannes Ostendorf was involved in an arson attack on a Bremen refugee home in 1991 and was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two and a half years under juvenile law.

Web links

Commons : Hannes Ostendorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bremer Hooligan Trial - Manageable Penalties . In: taz , September 29, 2011
  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from June 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.radiobremen.de
  3. http://jungle-world.com/artikel/2015/19/51939.html
  4. Christoph Ruf: Hooligan demonstration: Last twitches. In: Spiegel Online . February 9, 2015, accessed June 10, 2018 .
  5. City of Leipzig on Category C singers: The authorities are obliged to be neutral. In: LVZ. January 14, 2016, accessed January 14, 2017 .
  6. http://www.taz.de/!5105250/
  7. Sara Sundermann: Fast out for right-wing rocker snack at the university . ( weser-kurier.de [accessed on August 29, 2018]).
  8. http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Hooligan-Schlaegereien-sind-kein-Sport-article14376116.html
  9. http://www.taz.de/!1672735/
  10. https://www.taz.de/!642201/
  11. https://www.weser-kurier.de/bremen/bremen-stadt_artikel,-schnelles-aus-fuer-rechtsrockerimbiss-an-der-uni-_arid,1762640.html
  12. https://www.taz.de/!1640238/
  13. https://www.taz.de/!1670198/