Hans-Theo Richter

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Hans-Theo Bernhard August Karl Walter Richter (born August 10, 1926 in Bielefeld , † July 17, 2006 in Hombruch ) was a German late expressionist painter , sculptor , draftsman and graphic artist .


After participating in the Second World War and subsequent imprisonment, he studied from 1947 to 1951 at the Werkkunstschulen in Bielefeld and Cologne . From 1954 to 1955 he was the last master student of Prof. Heinrich Campendonk at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam . This was followed by scholarships in Bielefeld, Cologne, from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and from the Ministry of Culture in The Hague .

From 1956 to 1966 Richter participated in solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad. His works were u. a. 1959 exhibited in the exhibition 5 West German Artists in Vienna , Graz , Linz and Salzburg and in 1964 in the exhibition Dortmund artists in Sweden , Denmark , the Netherlands , England and France . In Dortmund he exhibited, among other things, in the Museum am Ostwall .

In 1960 Richter married and moved with his wife, a teacher, into their parents' house in Hombruch. The marriage produced a daughter. From 1969 to 1991 Richter taught as an art teacher at the Robert Koch Secondary School in Renninghausen . At the age of 79 he died after three strokes.

Richter's oeuvre includes around 3000 pictures, woodcuts , sculptures , sculptures , reliefs and glass artworks . He designed the interiors and glass windows of numerous churches, including the chancel of the Maria-Königin church in Eichlinghofen and the Franciscan church at Dortmund's east cemetery . He often worked with the artist Artur Schulze-Engels .

Works in museums

  • Bielefeld art gallery
  • Estate in Hombruch
  • Private art collection in Obervorschütz


  • AKL-online artist lexicon

Web links