Hans Breymann (lawyer)

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Hans Paul Walter Breymann (born September 24, 1873 in Kötzschenbroda ; † 1958 ) was a German lawyer who worked as a lawyer and notary and became known as a genealogist . He was a co-founder, chairman and honorary member of the Central Office for German Personal and Family History in Leipzig .


He was the son of the later Chief Customs Councilor Ferdinand Breymann († 1912), born in 1873, and his wife Katharina, born Swinburne († 1896). One of his ancestors was the District Councilor Karl Friedrich Christoph Breymann in Roschwitz, who founded the 10th Magdeburg Hussar Regiment from his own resources in 1813. Ferdinand Breymann owned the property in Kötzschenbroda from 1872 on Meißner Strasse 14 (today Ledenweg 2), on which the Hofmann Villa , which is now a listed building , was built in 1915 . In 1873, the year his son was born, he was named Prussian Prime Lieutenant. In 1886 the property had the address Ledenweg 7 and the job title was senior tax inspector. In 1897, after the wife's death, the senior tax inspector Breymann lived in Eibenstock: he had given his villa in Kötzschenbroda to Lieutenant Colonel ret. D. Ernst von Egidy rented.

After attending Hoffmann's boys' school in Niederlößnitz , a Progymnasium with boarding school, Hans Breymann switched to the Ludwig-Gymnasium in the Anhalt town of Köthen . He then studied law at the University of Tübingen from 1893 to 1894 and moved to the University of Leipzig from 1894 to 1897 , where he became a Dr. jur. PhD. From 1897 he was a trainee lawyer and in 1901 he was appointed assessor. From 1902 Hans Breymann worked as a lawyer. From 1912 to 1918 he represented the Deutsche Landwirtschafts Treuhandbank Aktiengesellschaft.

From 1904 to 1934 he was director of the central office for German personal and family history in Leipzig , which he co-founded and of which he became an honorary member. He was also a member of numerous scientific bodies and of the Harmonie Club in Leipzig. After the Second World War, the central office, which was converted into a foundation in 1934 and whose board of directors was Hans Breymann, was merged with the Volksbildungsstiftung Sachsen. As a result, Hans Breymann, who had meanwhile settled in West Berlin, had the former central office foundation entered in the Berlin foundation register at the local Senate in 1951. On July 26, 2001, the Office for Unresolved Property Issues Saxony (Reg. No. 8175) decided on the legal successor to the Central Office by submitting the application from the "Central Office for Personal and Family History" foundation in Friedrichsdorf to be the legal successor to the Leipzig Central Office, rejected for lack of personal identity. A successor function of this central office does not apply either, since there was no expropriation between 1933 and 1945.

At the 1st general meeting of the Central Office for German Personal and Family History on November 24th, 1904, Hans Breymann suggested the creation of a list of all published publications in the field of genealogy and heraldry. From this emerged the notices of the Central Office for German Personal and Family History, which have been published since 1905.


Hans Breymann married the daughter of the Secret Economics Council and professor Wilhelm Hermann Howard in 1902 . He concluded his second marriage in 1930 in Leipzig with Waltraut Liebau. The first marriage resulted in a son and a daughter.

Fonts (selection)

  • Pedigree of the Brey͏̈mann family (from Brey͏̈mann) Gebhardshagen - Salder - Veltheimsche (Brunswick) line . Self-published, Leipzig 1905.


Individual evidence

  1. from the Radebeul house index of the Radebeul City Archives .
  2. Central Office for Personal and Family History
  3. Fr. Klocke: The family history bibliography. Developmental, fundamental, thoughtful remarks . In: Contributions to Westphalian family research 11 (1952), pp. 13-16.