Hans Egede Berthelsen

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Hans Egede Edvard Jakob Berthelsen (born April 15, 1918 in Maniitsoq ; † unknown ) was a Greenlandic printer , journalist , teacher , singer and regional councilor .


Hans Egede Berthelsen was the son of the catechist Lars Andreas Samuel Berthelsen (1895–?) And his wife Ane Rakel Pouline Clasen (1895–?). His great-grandfather was Rasmus Berthelsen (1827–1901). The politician Knud Sørensen (1934–2009) and the writer Lars-Pele Berthelsen (* 1949) are his sons.

Hans Egede Berthelsen worked from 1934 to 1958 as a printer in the North Greenland printing house. He then moved to the South Greenland print shop and a few years later opened his own print shop in Nuuk , where he published the magazine Neruvkaut . He later studied at Ilinniarfissuaq and then worked as a teacher in Qaanaaq from 1971 . In 1976 he became editor of Avangnâmioĸ . He also worked at times as a prison guard and fisherman. He was also considered a popular singer. He was a co-founder of the G-44 Qeqertarsuaq football club .

From 1948 he was a council member in Qeqertarsuaq , from 1956 as chairman and thus de facto mayor. In 1954 he represented Jens Olsen in the Greenland State Council .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Church records Maniitsoq 1914–1922 (Born p. 18)
  2. a b Redaktør Hans Egede Berthelsen fylder 60 in the Atuagagdliutit of April 6, 1978
  3. Åbningsceremoni i Qeqertarsuaq in Sermitsiaq
  4. Axel Kjær Sørensen: Denmark-Greenland in the Twentieth Century (= Meddelelser om Grønland . Man and Society. 34). Danish Polar Center, Copenhagen 2006, ISBN 87-90369-89-0 , ( digital copy (PDF; 3.35 MB) ).