Hans Schnopfhagen

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Memorial plaque on the house where Hans Schnopfhagen was born.
Schnopfhagendenkmal on Hansberg

Hans Schnopfhagen (born January 17, 1845 in Oberneukirchen , Upper Austria ; † June 27, 1908 in Sankt Veit im Mühlkreis , Upper Austria) was an Austrian composer , local poet and teacher .

Schnopfhagen worked as a teacher and had dealt with singing and music at an early age . He received his first job as a school assistant in Niederwaldkirchen , and from 1867 in Bad Leonfelden . There he met the folk poet and traditional curator Hans Zötl .

Hans Schnopfhagen subsequently worked as a senior teacher in St. Veit in the Mühlkreis. There he founded the " Stelzhamer Quartet", for which he set numerous dialect poems to music. Including the " Hoamatgsang ", which has been the Upper Austrian national anthem since 1952 .

He also founded the "Liederkranz Oberneukirchen" in his hometown Oberneukirchen in 1873, of which he was the choirmaster until his death. In 1907 Schnopfhagen was granted honorary citizenship of Oberneukirchen.


Web links

Commons : Hans Schnopfhagen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files