Hans Schultz (lawyer)

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Hans Schultz (born April 15, 1912 in Breslau , today Wrocław, Poland , † May 13, 2003 in Thun , entitled to live in Basel ) was a Swiss law scholar and university professor of German origin.


Family and education

A native of Wroclaw Hans Schultz, son of the physician John Wilhelm Gustav Schultz and his Wife Paula born Bascho, turned to the school visits in Bern studying law at the local university to 1938, he was appointed Dr. iur. PhD . Hans Schultz then acquired the Bern advocate patent for the transition to practice .

Hans Schultz married Lilly nee Hatz in 1943. Schultz died in May 2003 at the old age of 91.

Professional background

After completing his studies, Hans Schultz initially worked as a lawyer and as an employee in the legal department of the Swiss Post Office , after which he was employed as court secretary and clerk at the Bern Higher Court. As a result, he moved to Thun as an examining magistrate , where he was promoted to court president in 1942, a position that he filled until 1955.

Hans Schultz completed his habilitation in 1951 as a private lecturer for the subjects of criminal law , criminal procedure law , criminal law auxiliary sciences and legal philosophy at the University of Bern, in 1955 he was appointed associate professor , in 1959 full professor , and in 1977 he retired .

Hans Schultz also worked from 1959 to 1987 as the author of reports on the criminal case law of the Federal Supreme Court in the “Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenverein” and from 1962 to 1991 as editor of the “Swiss Journal for Criminal Law”. Furthermore, after 1971, Schultz acted as president of various federal expert commissions for the revision of the special section of the Swiss Criminal Code ; in 1985, on behalf of the Federal Council , he prepared a preliminary draft of the completely revised general section of the Swiss Criminal Code.

Schultz, who emerged as the author of numerous studies on international criminal law, road traffic and medical law, was awarded the Theodor Kocher Prize and honorary doctorates in law from the Universities of Basel and Freiburg in recognition of his services in his fields . Br. Excellent.


  • The judicial settlement with special consideration of the law on the civil procedure code for the canton of Bern of July 7, 1918, Stämpfli & Cie., Bern, 1939
  • Swiss extradition law, with an excursus on the territorial validity of the criminal law, Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft, Basel, 1953
  • Overview of the case law on the subsidiary criminal laws of the federal government, Stämpfli & Cie., Bern, 1954
  • The criminal provisions of the Federal Road Traffic Act of December 19, 1958, Stämpfli & Cie., Bern, 1958
  • The criminal case law on the new road traffic law, Stämpfli & Cie., Bern, 1968
  • Banking secrecy and international mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, Swiss Bank Corporation, Zurich, 1982
  • Introduction to the general part of criminal law: a floor plan, Stämpfli & Cie., Bern, 1982


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