Hans von Kulmbach

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Hans von Kulmbach (1480–1522)
Monument in front of the town hall in Kulmbach

Hans von Kulmbach also Hans von Culmbach , actually Hans Suess , also Hans Süß von Kulmbach (* around 1480 in Kulmbach , † around 1522 in Nuremberg ), was a German painter , draftsman and graphic artist .

He was a student of the painter Jacopo de Barbari and then went to Nuremberg, where he became close friends with Albrecht Dürer's assistant . In 1514 he was in Cracow , where he created the scenes from the life of the Blessed Virgin . He later had his own workshop in Nuremberg. Among his sponsors was the dealer and patron Hans Boner .


Other works


  • "The Master and Catherine. Hans Suess von Kulmbach and his works for Krakow". Exhibition September 27, 2018 - January 27, 2019 in the National Museum Krakow, Erazm Ciołek Palais homepage


Web links

Commons : Hans von Kulmbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. DIRECTORY OF THE v.DERSCHAUISCHE Kunstkabinett zu NÜRNBERG .... Nuremberg, at the obligated auctionator Schmidmer., 1825., 250 p., Directory of rare art collections., 1825., Google Books, online , p. 7