Harri Bading

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Harri Bading (born May 23, 1901 in Berlin ; † June 12, 1981 in Hamburg ) was a German agricultural politician of the SPD . From 1957 to 1969 he was a member of the German Bundestag and from 1964 to 1970 a member of the European Parliament .


Hans Wolfgang Harri Bading was born in Berlin as the son of the lawyer and judicial adviser Wilhelm Bading. His father had belonged to the First International even before the SPD was founded , which is why Bading came into contact with well-known socialists such as Eduard Bernstein as a child . He attended the renowned Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin, but left it without a degree. After an agricultural apprenticeship, he first worked in the administration of a manor near Plauen from 1921 , before taking his Abitur as an external worker in 1922 and studying at the Agricultural University in Berlin. In 1926 he passed the examination to become a qualified farmer . Bading then worked as a research assistant at the Prussian Main Chamber of Agriculture until 1928 , before joining Fritz Baade , who was then head of the “Reich Research Center for Agricultural Market Affairs”. In 1930 Bading moved to the "Research Center for Economic Policy", which Fritz Naphtali was head of. At the same time, the SPD parliamentary group employed him as an expert on agricultural issues. He also advised the unions and the consumer cooperatives.

Because of his political activities Bading was after the seizure of power of the Nazis without a job in 1933, but worked since 1934 for the "monitoring center for horticultural products", the Hamburg branch he derived 1936th In 1939 he left the surveillance office and went into the import industry. From 1941 he was conscripted for various purposes, such. B. as an expert for horticulture at the Reichskommissariat Ostland .

After initially continuing to work in the import business, from 1947 he worked at the “Central Office for Food and Agriculture” in Hamburg, which in 1949 became part of the Federal Ministry of Food . In 1953 he switched to the service of the SPD, where he worked as an agricultural policy advisor to the party executive. In 1956/57 he headed the home folk high school of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bergneustadt .

In 1949 Bading took part in the founding of the "Agrarian Social Society", of which he was a member of the board of trustees. He had been a founding member of the Humanist Union since 1961 and was a member of its advisory board. From 1970 to 1976 he represented the DGB at the “Economic Committee for Foreign Trade Issues” of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. His agricultural policy interests were also in biodynamic agriculture .

Bading became a member of the SPD in 1928. Before the Nazi era , he mainly devoted himself to agricultural policy and the training of farmers who were close to the SPD. In 1937 Bading temporarily joined the NSDAP - perhaps out of fear of losing his job in the "Monitoring Center for Horticultural Products" - but left it again in 1939. In 1945 Bading participated in the re-establishment of the SPD.

Bading was a member of the German Bundestag from 1957 to 1969. There he devoted himself in particular to trade and food policy issues. The council of the county Frankenberg / Eder belonged Bading 1964-1970 as chairman of after his candidacy was rejected in 1960 because of a lack of proof of primary residence. From June 4, 1964 to January 21, 1970 he was also a member of the European Parliament. From 1962 to 1969 he was deputy chairman of the "Interparliamentary Working Group".

Bading had been married to Oda Streich since 1928 and had two children.


  • The order of representation of interests. In: Die Neue Gesellschaft, born in 1964, issue 2, pages 112-119.


Web links

  • Short biography at fes

Individual evidence

  1. Der Spiegel (October 26, 1960)
  2. on the interparliamentary working group see their website interparliamentary