Harry Güthert

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Harry Güthert (born March  1, 1912 in Graz , Styria , †  February 4, 1989 in Erfurt ) was an Austrian - German doctor and pathologist . From 1951 to 1954 he worked as a professor at the University of Jena and then until 1977 at the Medical Academy in Erfurt , where he also served as rector from 1959 to 1963 .


Harry Güthert was 1912, the son of a merchant in Graz born and graduated in 1930 at the University of Cologne and from November 1931 the University of Rostock to study medicine . In Cologne, where he received his doctorate in 1935 , he was a member of the Corps Hansea Cologne from 1931 . From 1933 he was a member of the SA . After finishing his studies, he trained at the Institute of Pathology of the city of Dortmund , at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research in Berlin and at the Institute of Pathology at the University of Jena for Specialist for pathology on. In 1937 he joined the NSDAP and in 1941 the NSDDB . He completed his habilitation in Jena in 1941 and then remained there as senior physician and lecturer. As a pathologist, Güthert also worked on the corpses of prisoners who perished in the Buchenwald concentration camp .

In 1945 Harry Güthert applied for a position at the prosecution of the Erfurt Municipal Hospital, which he received in 1947. Six years later he also became a professor with a teaching position for pathology at the neighboring University of Jena. In 1954 he was offered a chair for general pathology and pathological anatomy at the newly founded Medical Academy in Erfurt and at the same time took over the management of the Institute for Pathology, which he developed from the Prosecture. He had also planned the new building for the institute, which went into operation in 1954. From 1959 Güthert officiated as the successor of the surgeon Egbert Schwarz as rector of the university, he was followed in 1963 by the ENT doctor Kurt Schröder . In addition, until 1985 he was editor-in-chief of the journal Zentralblatt for general pathology and pathological anatomy for many years . He retired in 1977 and died in Erfurt in 1989 .


  • Festschrift for the opening of the Medical Academy Erfurt. Erfurt 1954 (as editor)
  • Special pathological anatomy textbook. Volume 2. Berlin 1958 (as co-author)
  • Pathology of tumors of the central nervous system. Jena 1976 (as co-author)
  • Neuropathology. Volume 1: Tumors of the Nervous System. Jena 1988, licensed edition Stuttgart 1988 (as co-author)


  • Rolf Warzok: Professor (em.) Dr. sc. med. Harry Güthert. March 1, 1912 to February 4, 1989. In: Central sheet for general pathology and pathological anatomy. 135 (5) / 1989. Gustav-Fischer-Verlag, pp. 489-491, ISSN  0044-4030
  • Horst Rudolf Abe : Harry Güthert in memory. In: Contributions to the university and scientific history of Erfurt. Volume 22 (1989/1990). Published by the Medical Academy Erfurt, Erfurt 1991, pp. 5–12

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Registration of Harry Güthert in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 62 , 48
  3. ^ SED, SA, NSDAP and Buchenwald concentration camp see Harry Waibel : Servants of many gentlemen: Former NS functionaries in the Soviet Zone / GDR. Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2011, ISBN 978-3-631-63542-1 , p. 117
  4. ^ Erfurt City Archives