Hartwig von Bülow (Major General)

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Hartwig Wilhelm Anton von Bülow (born September 12, 1871 in Stavenhagen , † February 8, 1939 in Blankenburg ) was a German major general in the Reichswehr .


He came from the Mecklenburg nobility of the von Bülow family and was the third child of the Mecklenburg Oberlanddrost Friedrich von Bülow (1835-1922) and his wife Anna von Bülow.

After finishing school, Bülow joined the Fusilier Regiment No. 90 of the Prussian Army as a flag boy in 1891 . In the further course of his military career, he took part in the First World War and received several awards. In addition to both classes of the Iron Cross , he received a. a. the Knight's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with swords and the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown with swords. Admitted to the Reichswehr in October 1919, Bülow was promoted to colonel here on February 1, 1923 and commanded the 6th Infantry Regiment from January 1, 1925 . On 30 November 1926 he resigned under presentation of the character as a major general from active military service.

In 1895 he married Frieda, née Braband, in Hamburg. From this marriage there were four children. His wife died during a stay in Oberhof in 1914. Thereupon Bülow married Hildegard von Tilly in Berlin in 1926. Eberhard von Bülow (* 1927) is the only son from this second marriage.


  • Dermot Bradley (Ed.): The Generals of the Army 1921-1945. The military careers of the generals, as well as the doctors, veterinarians, intendants, judges and ministerial officials with the rank of general. Volume 2: v. Blanckensee – v. Czettritz and Neuhauß. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1993, ISBN 3-7648-2424-7 , pp. 338-339.
  • Adolf von Bülow: Bülowsches Familienbuch. 2 volumes, Schwerin 1911/1914.
  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the noble houses. Volume 41, 1942, p. 90.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Nobeligen houses. Volume 41, 1942, p. 90.
  2. Reichswehr Ministry (Ed.): Ranking list of the German Reichsheeres. ES Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1924, p. 112.