Household accident

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Household accidents (also: home accidents , home accidents ) is a private household occurring accident .


Like the traffic accident , work accident or sports accident , the household accident occurs in a certain area of life . The colloquial language has coined special terms for individual types of accidents, each referring to the area of ​​life or field of activity in which the accident occurred.

A household accident occurs when it occurs either in the household or in the immediate vicinity, especially in gardens , courtyards and garages or during leisure activities and during sporting activities. Accidents at home also include accidents on public transport during leisure time and accidents with bicycles , provided that no other means of transport was involved in the accident. The accident requires medical treatment or leads to impairment for at least 14 days (differentiation from minor accidents). The accident must have occurred within the three months prior to the contact interview.

In contrast to the areas of life at work , school and transport, there is no legal basis for the collection of accident data in the home and leisure area. In order to obtain suitable information about the accident, representative examinations must be carried out whenever possible. This is the responsibility of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). Of the 9.77 million accidents in 2015, 40% were in leisure time ( sports / games ), followed by 33% in the household, occupational accidents (24%) and traffic accidents (3%). This means that 73% of all accidents do not occur during the legally insured working hours .


There are three types of household accidents, namely accidents related to housework (440,000 per year), home improvement (250,000 per year) and gardening (200,000 per year).

  • Housework : Almost 21% of all accidents during housework are due to cleaning , with 83% women having accidents. Cleaning up accounts for 16% of all accidents while doing housework, the proportion of women is 63%. Clearing furniture accounts for 10% of all accidents, here men lead with 61%. Food preparation (3.7%) has the lowest risk of unhappiness.
  • Do-it-yourself : 87% of accidents occur in men, with 44% being injuries with sharp objects, followed by collisions (21%) and falls (17%).
  • Gardening : Here, 43% of all accidents are caused by injuries with sharp / pointed objects, followed by falls (26%), collisions (13%) and physical overexertion (7%).

Household accidents, like sports and gaming accidents, are recreational accidents.

The Federal Statistical Office divides the fatal accidents according to age group and accident category :

Age groups All in all of which work / school
traffic accident Household accident Sports /
gaming accident
<1 year 12 0 3 5 0 4th
1 to 5 years 59 0 13 20th 8th 18th
5 to 15 years 68 1 35 8th 7th 17th
15 to 25 years 688 19th 475 35 12 147
25 to 35 years 806 35 385 60 14th 312
35 to 45 years 810 56 279 106 9 360
45 to 55 years 1410 99 479 247 22nd 563
55 to 65 years 2019 106 483 566 32 832
65 to 75 years 2503 40 372 975 25th 1091
75 to 85 years 7041 19th 572 3321 30th 3099
> 85 years 10317 9 207 5657 16 4428

Most accidents happen in the age group over 85, and in the home. From the age of 55, the scene of the accident shifts significantly to the household.


Statistically, one speaks of the accident category (work, traffic, school, house area, leisure). According to representative surveys by the BAuA, in 2015 the highest number of deaths (10,628) and injuries (3.89 million) were in leisure time, followed by households (9,816 and 3.15 million). This means that household accidents also have the second highest proportion of all accidents, with 24.2% of fatalities and 39.9% of those injured in accidents. In terms of gender, there were 55% more women among the fatal household accidents. According BAuA 21.2% of all home accidents happen in the living area ( living , dining , sleeping , working , or children ), followed by garden (18.9%), Stairs (18%), food (13.7% ), Courtyard (9.1%) and bathroom (5.5%). The German Kuratorium für Sicherheit in Heim und Freizeit (DSH) determined that of the deaths in the household, 85.6% were due to a fall , 3.5% to mechanical asphyxiation and 2.6% to fire . Regionally, household accidents often occur in Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia , most frequently in the Zwickau-Land district . In men, 52% of injuries are due to falls and in women 63% are due to falls, children are more likely to fall from heights, older people more likely to fall on the flat. A household appliance plays a role in around 20% of household accidents .

The number of fatal household accidents is almost three times as high as that of road deaths . This number is surprising because most people consider their home a safe place. In the apartment you feel safe and secure and you don't expect an accident there.


Every year around 800,000 people are injured in accidents in Austria , around 630,000 of them in the household, during leisure time and during sport. Around 39% of all accidents in Austria happen in the household. While 50% of those surveyed consider a road traffic accident to be likely, only 3% assume a domestic accident risk.

Fatal accidents in Switzerland are around five times as common at home and during leisure time as in traffic. The Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu) According to injure themselves each year approximately 550,000 people at home and at play, of which 122,930 home.

Individual evidence

  1. Federal health reports from February 15, 2018, home and leisure accidents - methodology , updated on June 10, 2015
  2. Consumer forum , accident statistics , accessed on February 16, 2018
  3. DeStatis of October 8, 2019, deaths by accident categories 2017
  4. BAuA, accident statistics 2015 , total accidents
  5. Karolin Kuntzel, Household Tips for Dummies , 2018, o. P.