Heart of Europe Bio-Crystallography Meeting

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The Heart of Europe Bio-Crystallography Meeting ( HEC-Meeting for short ) is an international scientific conference on structural biology , especially crystallography , that has taken place annually since 1998 . Every year researchers from universities , research institutions (e.g. EMBL , GBF ) and industry from Poland , Germany , the Czech Republic and Austria meet to discuss current issues in this area. Most of the lectures are given by PhD students. An exception is the invited HEC lecture, which is given by a renowned scientist in the field. The format of the HEC meeting was adopted from the eleven years older “Rhine-Knee Regiomeeting on Structural Biology”.

History of the HEC meeting

The HEC meeting goes back to an initiative by Manfred Weiss and Rolf Hilgenfeld in 1998, who worked at the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology (IMB) in Jena and wanted to establish a conference format similar to the “Rhine-Knee Regiomeeting” in the new federal states. Both conferences are regional meetings between German scientists and scientific working groups from neighboring countries. At the first HEC meeting from October 8-10, 1998, nine groups from Germany (from the new federal states including West Berlin), Poland and the Czech Republic were represented. Later groups from Austria and the old federal states also took part in the conference.

Previous HEC meetings:

meeting year place organizer Attendees HEC lecture Web link
HEC-1 1998 Fulling mill in Mühltal , Germany R. Hilgenfeld, M. Weiss, IMB Jena 41 -
HEC-2 1999 Luebben , Germany U. Heinemann, Y. Muller, MDC Berlin 53 V. Lamzin
HEC-3 2000 Poznan , Poland M. Jaskolski, CBB Poznań 53 G. Sheldrick website
HEC-4 2001 Bedrichov, Czech Republic J. Sedlacek, IMG Prague 48 Z. Otwinowski
HEC-5 2002 Goslar D. Heinz, GBF Braunschweig 68 A. Yonath
HEC-6 2003 Wittenberg S. König, M. Stubbs, MLU Halle 113 T. Bergfors
HEC-7 2004 Krzyżowa (Kreisau), Poland M. Bochtler, IIMCB Warsaw 101 A. Wlodawer
HEC-8 2005 Karlovy Vary , Czech Republic J. Sedlacek, IMG Prague 101 Z. Dauter
HEC-9 2006 Teistungenburg R. Ficner, Univ. Goettingen 128 E. Garman website
HEC-10 2007 Bedlewo, Poland M. Jaskolski, CBB Poznań 116 G. Dodson website
HEC-11 2008 Greifswald W. Hinrichs, Univ. Greifswald 102 P. Nissen
HEC-12 2009 Třešť (Triesch), Czech Republic P. Rezacova, IMG Prague 107 P. Emsley website
HEC-13 2010 Schöneck / Vogtl. N. Strater, Univ. Leipzig 107 A. Popov website
HEC-14 2011 Żagań (Sagan), Poland M. Jaskolski, CBB / PPTS Poznań 101 Z. Derewenda website
HEC-15 2012 Beilngries Y. Muller, Univ. gain 93 B. Rupp website
HEC-16 2013 St. Georgen im Attergau , Austria K. Djinovic-Carugo, Univ. Vienna 114 P. Tompa website
HEC-17 2014 Academy Berlin-Schmöckwitz M. Weiss, U. Müller, HZB Berlin 134 G. Glue website
HEC-18 2015 Kutná Hora (Kuttenberg), Czech Republic J. Dohnálek, IBT Prague 120 R. Read website
HEC-19 2016 Warberg Castle W. Blankenfeld, A. Scrima, HZI Braunschweig 119 I. Schlichting website
HEC-20 2017 Wojanów Palace ( Schloss Schildau ), Poland M. Bochtler, M. Nowotny, IIMCB Warsaw 112 Tim Clausen website
HEC-21 2018 Quedlinburg City Palace M. Stubbs, Univ. Hall Michael Rossmann website

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rhine-Knee Regiomeeting on Structural Biology University of Basel, accessed on September 25, 2018.
  2. Mariusz Jaskolski and Michal M. Sikorski: 15 Years of Heart of Europe bio-Crystallography Meetings - Reminiscenses. Poznań 2013, ISBN 978-83-927740-1-3