Hector Gottfried Masius

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Hector Gottfried Masius

Hector Gottfried Masius (born April 13, 1653 in Schlagsdorf in the Principality of Ratzeburg ; † September 20, 1709 on his estate Ravnstrup on Zealand ) was a German-Danish Lutheran theologian.


Masius, son of a pastor, attended the Katharineum in Lübeck and then studied in Gießen (where he obtained his master's degree in 1675 ), Basel and Copenhagen and at numerous other universities in Germany and the Netherlands. From 1682 he worked as a preacher at the Danish embassy in Paris . In 1686 he was called to Copenhagen as the German court preacher and soon afterwards appointed professor of theology and member of the consistory . At the University of Copenhagen , where he received the degree of Dr. theol. acquired, he was rector several times .

Work and meaning

Masius wrote numerous pamphlets against Reformed and Catholics in the spirit of Lutheran Orthodoxy . In 1687, for example, he maintained that only Lutheranism was compatible with princely absolutism , while the Reformed with their teachings tended to cause unrest. About this he led lengthy arguments with Christian Thomasius and Johann Christoph Bekmann .

In the Copenhagen hymn book of 1719, a number of his sacred songs were printed, some of which were also included in German hymn books.

Fonts (selection)

  • Defense de la religion lutherienne against the docteurs de l'Eglise romaine. Où on fait voir en même temps leurs ereurs fondamentales. Pour l'usage de ceux de la veritable religion, qui sejournent en France . Frankfurt 1685 (= defense of the Evangelical-Lutheran religion, against the Roman-Catholic teachers, because at the same time fundamental errors of the same are recently reported and thoroughly refuted , Frankfurt 1685).
  • De existentia daemonis, quatenus e naturae lumine innotescit . Copenhagen 1682.
  • Theologiæ Polemicæ Summa: In gratiam Studiosæ Juventutis XL. Disputationibus comprehensa Et In Collegio Privato ad ventilandum proposita : Copenhagen 1687.
  • Interest Principum circa religionem Evangelicam . Copenhagen 1687.
  • Schediasma historico-philologicum de diis Obotritis seu idolis Mecklenburgensium et praecipue de Radegasto. Accessit dissertatio ejusdem de existentia daemonis, cum notis Andreae Borrichii . Copenhagen 1688.
  • The loyalty of Lutherthumb, opposed to the Calvini school, with which the hooded Huberti Mosani report of the secular authorities, as it was recently published against Masii interest principum refuted . 1690
  • Kurtzer report on the distinction between the true Evangelical Lutheran / and the Reformed teaching / together with an appendix / and discussion of the following questions: I. Whether to hope for religious unity and brotherhood between the Lutherans and the Reformed? II. Whether the Reformed are not united for the sake of conscience and strength of their own doctrinal propositions / to come to us . 1690, new print Gütersloh 1880 ( digitized , ULB Münster)
  • Reminder letter to Hubertum Mosanum, how he must attack the matter, where he did doct. Masij Treues Lutherthum want to answer: sampt Huberti Mosani answer . Franckfurt on the Oder 1691.
  • Antiquitatum Mecklenburgensium schediasma historico-philologicum . Copenhagen 1691.
  • The finished Jesuit in France or written refutation of papal teaching in three points: I. From the Mass II. From the Churches, Part III. About the legitimate profession of Protestant preachers . 1695.
  • Holy Passion Thoughts, or Kurtze contemplation of the blood of Christ, so that speaks better than the blood of Abel: presented in some Passion sermons . Copenhagen 1700.
  • Dissertationes academicae, in II tomos distributae quorum: I. Dogmatico-historico-polemicas; II. Exegetico-dogmaticas continet, cum appendice orationum . Hamburg 1719.


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