Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig

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Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig (born January 21, 1934 in Wollishofen ; † March 17, 2019 ) was a Swiss economist and university professor . She was a professor for theoretical and practical social economics at the University of Zurich .

life and work

Heidi Schelbert -Syfrig studied at the University of Zurich. After completing her licentiate in economics, she did her doctorate in 1962 under Jürg Niehans with a thesis on the causes of the short-term fluctuations in residential construction activity in the Zurich market area in the two periods from 1929 to 1945 and 1946 to 1959 as a Dr. oec. publ. She then worked as an assistant at the Economics Institute at the University of Zurich. Working on a large-scale study by the institute gave her the opportunity to familiarize herself with the basics of econometrics . In 1967 Schelbert-Syfrig completed his habilitation and received the Venia Legendi for the field of theoretical and practical social economy. She spent the academic year 1966/67 as a visiting fellow at Princeton University . In 1968 she became assistant professor at the University of Zurich and in the same year associate professor . In 1970 she was involved in founding the Institute for Empirical Economic Research. 1972 Extraordinat was in an Ordinariate converted and Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig transported Zurich to the first Ordinary professor at the Law and Political Science Faculty of the University. From the summer semester 1976 to the winter semester 1977/78 she was the first dean of this faculty. At the beginning of the 1980s, Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig established environmental economics as a separate research area in Zurich .

On behalf of the university management, she wrote a report on the advancement of women at the University of Zurich in 1989 together with Verena Meyer and other female members of the Senate . Among other things, it called for the creation of a women's position with the necessary resources and an inter-faculty commission based on gender and class. In 1991, under the chairmanship of Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig, the “Commission for the Promotion of Women” (from 1994 “Commission for Gender Equality”) of the University of Zurich started work the following autumn.

In 1996 Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig retired and was made an honorary professor in recognition of her services .

Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig was a passionate alpinist and active in the Swiss Alpine Club . She was married to the mountaineer Albin Schelbert.

Publications (selection)

  • Jürg Niehans, Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Simultaneous Determination of Interest and Prices in Switzerland, A Two-Market Model for Money and Bonds . In: Econometrica . tape 34 , no. 2 , 1966, p. 408-423 .
  • Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Empirical studies on the money demand in Switzerland . Polygraphischer Verlag, Zurich 1967.
  • Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: The 'Buy American' principle and the American balance of payments . Rentsch, Erlenbach-Zurich 1968.
  • Günter Menger , Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig, Peter Zweifel: Stochastic uncertainty in economics . Haag + Herchen, Frankfurt / Main 1981.
  • Werner Inderbitzin, Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Employment and structural unemployment . Rüegger, Diessenhofen 1982.
  • Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: New Macroeconomics. Opposites and things in common . In: Gottfried Bombach , Bernhard Gahlen, Alfred E. Ott (ed.): Macroeconomics today. Similarities and opposites . JCB Mohr, Tübingen 1983.
  • Philipp Halbherr, Najib Harabi and Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Macromodels and Economic Policy: Results for Switzerland . Rüegger, Grüsch 1985.
  • Najib Harabi, Philipp Halbherr and Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Swiss economy under pressure to innovate . Haupt, Bern 1985.
  • Markus Granziol, Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Exchange rates and interest rates: Some theoretical and empirical aspects . In: Helmut Hesse , Erich W. Streissler , Gunther Tichy (eds.): Aussenwirtschaft in case of uncertainty . JCB Mohr, Tuebingen 1985.
  • Niklas Blattner, Philipp Halbherr, Najib Harabi and Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Microeconomics of the Labor Market: Theories, Methods and Empirical Results for Switzerland . Haupt, Bern 1986.
  • Najib Harabi, Philipp Halbherr and Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig: Focal points of Swiss economic policy: statements from science and practice . Industrielle Organization Verlag, Zurich 1987.
  • Michael Bernegger: Switzerland under flexible exchange rates . Haupt, Bern 1988.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig , NZZ from April 3, 2019
  2. ^ Thomas Brassel: The lecturers at the University of Zurich, summer semester 1933 to winter semester 1982/83 . In: Rectorate of the University of Zurich (ed.): The University of Zurich 1933–1983. Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the University of Zurich . Zurich 1983, p. 665–748 ( archiv.uzh.ch [PDF]).
  3. ^ Marita Fuchs: "Scientist with a double career". (PDF) In: Gleichstellung.uzh.ch. October 2012, accessed April 2, 2019 .
  4. Jakob Schaad: Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig - a real pioneer. In: NZZ . March 29, 2019, accessed April 2, 2019 .
  5. Inventory: Equal Opportunities Commission. UZH archive . 1989-2013. Signature: E.6.2. link