Heinrich Gottlieb von Stutterheim

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Heinrich Gottlieb von Stutterheim (1717–1789)

Heinrich Gottlieb von Stutterheim (born December 22, 1717 in the forester's lodge Colditz; † December 23, 1789 in Dresden ) was a lieutenant general of the cavalry in Electoral Saxony as well as state and cabinet minister.



His father was Christian Hieronimus von Stutterheim .

Military career

Heinrich Gottlieb joined the Marche infantry regiment early on , where his father was a colonel. There he was appointed ensign on May 10, 1731 at the age of thirteen . He fought in the War of the Polish Succession from 1733 to 1735 and distinguished himself during the siege of Danzig. In 1739 he became an adjutant in the Regiment Chevalier de Saxe. Shortly afterwards, he was transferred to the Garde de Corps. He took part in the Wars of the Silesian Succession . Between the wars he joined the French army in 1741 and the English army in 1743, and then fought in the War of the Austrian Succession . On July 22, 1752 he became a lieutenant colonel in the cavalry of the Garde du Corps. Right at the beginning of the Seven Years' War he went into captivity with the regiment near Lilienstein . He must then have been released, because in 1759 he was accepted into the retinue of Princes Albrecht and Clemens. On December 1, 1759 he was promoted to colonel and appointed adjutant general.

After the war in May 1764, Stutterheim was sent to the Prussian court as an envoy. In 1772 he was appointed major general. He was recalled to become cabinet minister in the Foreign Affairs Department in Dresden on April 16, 1777. In 1780 he was appointed lieutenant general of the cavalry and in 1787 he was also appointed director of command matters in the military department.


He was unmarried, but had a son, who later became Lieutenant Field Marshal Wilhelm von Stutterheim . The mother is unknown. The son was legitimized in Prussia in 1773 and in Saxony in 1778.


  • Eckart von Stutterheim and Kurt von Stutterheim: The gentlemen and barons of Stutterheim / Alt-Stutterheim . Verlag Degener & Co. , Neustadt an der Aisch 1965, pp. 84–86 and 249–251.
  • Carl Christ. Carus Gretschel: History of the Saxon People and State. Volume 3, p. 229, Takeover Foreign Affairs .
  • Woldemar Lippert : Empress Maria Theresa and Electress Maria Antonia of Saxony. Short biography
predecessor Office successor
Saxon envoy to Prussia
Friedrich August von Zinzendorf