Heinrich Hermann Bothen

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Former Venetian house in Dresden

Heinrich Hermann Bothen (born April 18, 1814 in Dresden , † September 22, 1878 in Aussersihl ) was a German architect and council building inspector, commissioner and master builder in Dresden. He was a student of Joseph Thürmer and Gottfried Semper and worked in Dresden and Zurich . In 1851 he converted the house at Neumarkt 13 in Dresden's old town into one of the first department stores in Germany. The so-called “Au petit Bazar” was located on the ground floor and on the first floor of the house and had large glass and shop window areas. Around 1860 he drew up the first general development plan for the city of Dresden.


  • 1835: Dining room in the Palais Hoym in Dresden (destroyed)
  • 1841: Villa Thorwald (also called Villa Herrmann ) in Loschwitz , Schillerstraße 12
  • around 1845: Venetian house (also called "Gutschmidsches Haus") in Dresden, Elbberg / Terrassenufer 3 (client: Eugen von Gutschmid) (destroyed)
  • 1844–1845: Commercial building in Dresden, Seestrasse 21 (destroyed)
  • 1850–1851: Conversion of the residential building in Dresden, Waisenhausstrasse / Seestrasse / Friedrichsallee to the Victoria Hotel (demolished in 1891)
  • 1851: Conversion of the residential building in Dresden, Neumarkt 13, to the “Au petit Bazar” department store (client: Joseph Meyer) - destroyed in 1945, reconstruction as a residential and commercial building (client: Günter Blobel )
  • 1852–1855: Catholic parish church of St. Franziskus Xaverius on Hauptstrasse in Dresden-Neustadt, Albertplatz 2 (together with Ludwig Theodor Choulant ) (destroyed)
  • 1876–1877: “Schweizer Hof” in Zurich-Aussersihl, Militärstrasse 44

Gallery of his buildings


  • Marius Winzeler: Heinrich Hermann Bothen, architect in Dresden and Zurich 1814–1878. Licentiate thesis, University of Zurich , Zurich 1995.

Web links

Commons : Heinrich Hermann Bothen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Heinrich Hermann Bothen. In: arch INFORM ; accessed on December 31, 2018.
  2. Andreas Hummel: Neumarkt 13 and 14 Neumarkt Dresden Archive, accessed on December 31, 2018.
  3. ^ Contribution by Werner Pampel in Dresdner Hefte. Year 7, 1989, no. 5, p. 17.
  4. ^ Marius Winzeler: "Au petit Bazar" department store by HH Bothen 1851. Archive Neumarkt Dresden, accessed on December 31, 2018.
  5. Jörg Brune: The old Dresden in pictures. Accessed December 31, 2018.
  6. Blobelhaus on Neumarkt. Arstempano, accessed December 31, 2018.