Heinrich Herzig

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Heinrich Herzig (born June 28, 1887 in Rheineck , Canton St. Gallen ; † August 16, 1964 there ) was a Swiss painter, draftsman and graphic artist . He was a member of the artists' association "Der Kreis" , which also included artists such as Rudolf Wacker , Conrad Felixmüller and Adolf Dietrich .

life and work

Floor marking in Rheineck in honor of Herzig

Heinrich Herzig, citizen of Walzenhausen AR, grew up in Rheineck. From an early age it was his wish to become a painter. From 1904 to 1906 he trained as an embroidery draftsman at the drawing school of the Gewerbemuseum St. Gallen .

From 1908 to 1914 he trained as a painter at the Munich School of Applied Arts under the teachers Wilhelm Diez and Robert Engels . His preference was to paint with oil and water colors . From 1914 to 1917, Herzig u. a. also private art schools in Berlin and Dresden, where he came into contact with the movement of Expressionism . From 1915 to 1917 he worked in Plauen and was temporarily active as a designer in the porcelain factory in Meissen. From 1916 to 1918 he worked for a time in his brother's embroidery company in Jocketa in Vogtland , where he was able to use half the time for his artistic work.

From 1918 Herzig worked in Altstätten , then in Rheineck as a freelance painter. Study trips to Austria , Germany and especially to Italy followed , which met his open nature and which inspired him to many southern pictorial themes. In 1919 he returned to Rheineck. The municipality of Rheineck provided the artist with a studio under the old castle. In between he also gave drawing lessons at the local school. The result was a wide range of expressive oil paintings and watercolors, as well as woodcuts , glass paintings , illustrations and wall paintings with depictions of anecdotes from everyday life and motifs from nature. In 1921 Herzig married Ida Bänziger with whom he had two children.

Herzig received Rheineck's honorary citizenship in 1959 , and after his death a street in the village was named after him.

Works (selection)

Works by Heinrich Herzig can be found in the museums of St. Gallen, Kunsthaus Zurich, Art Museum Chur, Glarus, Winterthur, Dresden, Constance, Munich City Gallery, Ulm and others

  • Snow landscape , painted in 1927
  • Memory of Italy , oil painting from 1932
  • Gant in Appenzellerland , oil painting from 1948
  • On the old Rhine , painted in 1949
  • Study after nature , drawing, 1951
  • Mother and Child in the Rhine Valley , 1957
  • Winter near Wolfhalden , painted in 1964


  • Switzerland. National art exhibition: 1914, 1917, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931.
  • Heinrich Herzig, exhibition catalog 1923
    Exhibition catalog, 1923
    Kunsthaus Zürich : 1914, 1915, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1923, 1927 Museum Winterthur 1923, 1926, 1933.
  • Art Museum St. Gallen : 1927, 1952.
  • Museum Ulm : 1929.
  • Memorial exhibition Hotel “Hecht”, Rheineck, October 3-18, 1959 (Patronage of the Rheineck municipality).
  • Anniversary week “700 years of the city of Rheineck”: Art exhibition in Löwenhof Rheineck, June 27 to July 4, 1976.


  • Herbert Sigrist: The painter H. Herzig . In: Unser Rheintal 22, 1965, pp. 118–127. Fig.
  • Herbert Sigrist: Heinrich Herzig In: Appenzeller Calendar , Vol. 245, 1966
  • Sabine Greiser: Heinrich Herzig (1887–1964), Rheineck. In: Rheintaler heads. Berneck 2004, pp. 222-224.
  • Heinrich Herzig. In: Lost Modernity in Eastern Switzerland. Young St. Gallen art 1920–1940 . Exhibition catalog by Jost Kirchgraber and Richard Butz. Propstei, St. Peterzell 2004.
  • Louis Kessely, Heinrich Herzig, painter. Catalog for the exhibition in October 1959 in the Hotel Hecht, Rheineck
  • Paul Schmalz, Little Mozart. The music-making youth . Youth songbook. With full-page color woodcuts by Heinrich Herzig
  • Erwin Feurer: Heinrich Herzig, processing his work, volume 1. Egnach 2009.
  • Erwin Feurer: Heinrich Herzig, processing his work - photographs around 1920. Volume 2. Egnach 2009.
  • Erwin Feurer: Heinrich Herzig (1887–1964), sketches and notes. Com Media Vision Erwin Feurer, Frasnacht 2015.
  • Erwin Feurer: Heinrich Herzig (1887–1964), fragmentary directory. Com Media Vision Erwin Feurer, Frasnacht 2017.
  • Erwin Feurer: Heinrich Herzig (1887–1964), sketches, drafts, studies. Com Media Vision Erwin Feurer, Frasnacht 2018.
  • Artist Lexicon of Switzerland, XX. Century, ed. Plüss, H.Chr. by Tavel . tape 1 . Huber & Co, Frauenfeld, 1974, p. 429 .

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