Heinrich Immendorff

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Heinrich Immendorff (born February 29, 1860 in Lingen , † January 30, 1938 in Jena ) was a German agricultural chemist . He worked at the University of Jena since 1900 and mainly worked on the implementation of mineral fertilizers in the soil and problems of soil acidification .

Life path

Heinrich Immendorff attended the Realgymnasium in Minden and studied natural sciences in Leipzig , Munich and Berlin from 1880 and at the University of Bonn from 1885 . There he received his doctorate in 1885 with a dissertation on aluminum chloride . After several months as a private assistant to the chemist Friedrich August Kekulé , who taught in Bonn, he discovered his interest in agricultural chemistry. In 1886 he took on an assistant position at the Agricultural Academy in Bonn-Poppelsdorf . There he acquired the Venia legendi for the entire field of agricultural chemistry in 1891 .

In 1892 Immendorff went to the moor experimental station in Bremen as head of the laboratory , where he carried out studies on the physiological effects of the moor humic acids . In 1900 he was appointed associate professor for agricultural chemistry at the University of Jena . At the same time he took over the management of the agricultural chemistry department of the agricultural research station in Jena. In 1920 he was appointed full professor . In 1932, at the age of 72, he retired .

Immendorff was a member of the Corps Agronomia Jenensis.

Research and Teaching

The complete documentation of agricultural chemical test and control activities has always been a special concern for Immendorff. That is why he published numerous reports on the results of his activities in Bremen and Jena . Of national interest are the five annual volumes (1896–1900) published by him as sole author of the series Das Landwirtschaftliche Trials and the Activities of the Agricultural Trial Stations in Prussia .

In Jena, Immendorff carried out extensive conservation tests with stable manure in contact with the German Agricultural Society . His research activities focused on experiments on the physiological reaction of mineral fertilizers , on the conversion of calcium cyanamide in arable soils and current problems with soil acidification . As head of the river monitoring center in Gerstungen an der Werra for many years, he was responsible for the control of the wastewater discharged from the potash industry in Werra and Fulda.

Immendorff was considered an extremely popular university professor among students at the University of Jena . Despite advanced specialization, he still represented the entire traditional field of agricultural chemistry in his courses, that is, he gave lectures on plant and animal nutrition. For his services to agricultural chemistry, he was awarded the title of Hofrat .

Books and writings

  • Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of aluminum chloride . Diss. Phil. Univ. Bonn 1885.
  • Agricultural research and the activities of the agricultural research stations in Prussia in 1896 . Verlag Paul Parey Berlin 1898. - Four more volumes ibid. For the years: 1897 (1899); 1896 (1900); 1899 (1902); 1900 (1903). All annual volumes were published as supplementary volumes to the journal Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher .
  • Calcium cyanamide (nitrogen lime or calcium cyanamide) as fertilizer (together with E. Kempski). Publishing house Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart 1907.
  • Old and new from the field of fertilizer theory . Lecture given at the Economic Society in the Kingdom of Saxony in Dresden on January 7, 1910. Fritzsche & Schmidt Leipzig 1910.


  • C. Dreyspring: Councilor Prof. Dr. Heinrich Immendorff on the golden anniversary of his doctorate . In: Das Superphosphat Vol. 11, 1935, pp. 25-26 (with picture).
  • KH Siemens: Hofrat Prof. Dr. Immendorff on his 75th birthday and the golden anniversary of his doctorate . In: Die Phosphorsäure Vol. 5, 1935, pp. 125-126 (with picture).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Erwin Willmann (Ed.): Directory of the old Rudolstädter Corps students. (AH. List of the RSC.) , 1928 edition, No. 2142