Heinrich Jordis-Lohausen

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Heinrich Jordis-Lohausen (born January 6, 1907 in Klagenfurt as Heinrich Freiherr Jordis von Lohausen ; † August 31, 2002 in Graz ) was an Austrian general and publicist on geopolitical issues with a ethnic and German national orientation. He published under the name Heinrich Jordis von Lohausen.


Military background

Jordis von Lohausen comes from an Austro-Hungarian family of officers; his father was a cavalry officer. He first studied law at the University of Graz and in 1925 became an officer candidate for the artillery in the army of the First Republic. In 1938 he was taken over as a captain in the Wehrmacht . He served on several fronts in World War II (Poland, France and Libya) and was Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's liaison officer in Africa. In 1936 he completed the general staff course in Vienna and in 1938/39 the war academy in Berlin. In the late 1940s he worked in the German embassy in Rome . After a brief period as a prisoner of war , he worked for the Austrian Alpine broadcaster and Radio Bremen . In 1955 he took up a post in the Federal Ministry of Defense in the newly founded armed forces . He was a Colonel of the General Staff Military Attaché of Austria in Great Britain (1957-1959) and France (1960-1966).


After retiring, he published geopolitical writings with a national and German national orientation. Heinrich Jordis von Lohausen is “one of the grand masters of geopolitical thinking after 1945” on the extreme right. In his book “Courage to Power. Thinking in continents ”he stated in 1981: “ Today, world politics can be understood as a struggle of races and world views with the same justification as that of the continents. ” Lohausen justified German wars of aggression with the location of Germany . In 1998, in his book Riding for Russia , he outlined the vision of a German-Russian alliance directed against the USA on a national basis. “Thinking in Peoples” 2001 emphasizes the ethnic component of his German power state from “Courage to Power” .

In April 2011, the Graz Regional Court for Civil Laws dismissed a lawsuit by Leopold Stocker Verlag against a brochure from the left-wing Graz initiative MayDay 2000 . According to the brochure, Jordis-Lohausen named "in anti-Semitic coding as wire-pulling 'powers' in the 1st and 2nd World War an' inconspicuous and hidden, one that only works from the background, but still the ultimate decisive power that exploits every people and every square mile on earth '[...] which he' Mr. Baruch 'called “ . The publisher argued that this only meant Bernard Baruch . The court ruled that the accusation that the book Riding for Russia engages in “anti-Semitic agitation” is a valid value judgment can be based on “a specific substrate of fact” .

Fonts (selection)


  • Ines Aftenberger: The new right and neo-racism . Leykam, Graz 2007, ISBN 978-3-7011-0088-0 , p. 234.
  • Fabian Virchow : Against civilism - international relations and the military in the political conceptions of the extreme right . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 978-3-531-15007-9 , pp. 95 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brochure: “The heart in the right place. The Leopold Stocker Verlag and the right-wing extremist scene ” , Graz, p. 10.
  2. Press release “Mayday 2000” 2010/12: Stocker trial: If only it's absurd! , accessed December 26, 2013.
  3. Press release “Mayday 2000” 2011/04: Stocker Verlag loses trials against Mayday in the first instance , accessed on December 26, 2013.