Heinrich Joseph Vogels

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Heinrich Joseph Vogels (born January 12, 1880 in Langenberg , † December 22, 1972 in Bonn ) was a German priest and Catholic theologian .


Heinrich Joseph Vogels studied Catholic theology in Bonn, Freiburg and Munich. During his studies he became a member of the KDStV Hercynia Freiburg im Breisgau in the CV in 1900 . On August 24, 1902, he was ordained a priest in Cologne . From 1902 to 1905 he was chaplain at St. Engelbert in Essen. In 1906 he was with the work of St. Augustine's work De consensu evangelistarum at the University of Münster for Dr. theol. PhD. From 1906 to 1911 he worked as a senior teacher at the Reformrealgymnasium on Retheistraße in Düsseldorf. Habilitation in 1911he settled in Munich and taught as a private lecturer in New Testament exegesis . During the First World War, he was chaplain to Hospital Troop 5 of the Falkenhausen Army Department on the Western Front and division pastor in the 14th Infantry Division .

In 1917 he received a reputation as a professor of New Testament to Strasbourg. In 1919 he was expelled from there and was initially visiting professor in Bonn, from 1921 there as successor to Joseph Feiten on the chair for the New Testament. In 1946 he retired.

The main area of ​​teaching and research was textual criticism of the New Testament. Vogels published more than 400 scientific papers and articles.

As an academic teacher, Vogels had a decisive influence, particularly on the generation of clergy in the dioceses of Cologne and Aachen that grew up between the two world wars .



  • Novum Teslamentum Graece et Latine. 1920.
  • Handbook of New Testament Textual Criticism. 1923.
  • Outline of the introduction to the New Testament. 1925.
  • Gospel Palatinum. 1926.
  • Vulgate Studies. 1928.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c German Biographical Encyclopedia of Theology and the Churches (DBETh) , Walter de Gruyter, 2005, p. 1371
  2. Complete directory of the CV The honorary members, old men and students of the Cartell Association (CV) of the cath. German student associations. 1912, Strasbourg i. Els. 1912, p. 129.
  3. a b Personnel at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , 1915, p. Xxi.
  4. ↑ Number of employees at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , 1915, p. Xviii.
  5. Klaus-Gunther Wesseling: Vogels, Heinrich Joseph. In: BBKL 12 (1997), pp. 1563-1566.
  6. a b Biblical Journal New Series, Volumes 17–18, p. 318.
  7. a b Heidrun Alzheimer-Haller: War as a matter of faith: religious motifs on picture postcards from the First World War , Verl. Franconian Open Air Museum 2009, p. 355.