Heinrich Karl von Bibra

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Heinrich Karl von Bibra
Facade of the Bibra-Palais with the Bibra-Eyb double coat of arms

Heinrich Karl Freiherr von Bibra , also Karl Siegmund (* 10 February July / 20 February  1666 greg.11 January 1734 in Forchheim ) was regiment chief of the Franconian district dragoon regiment from 1691/92 and rose to the rank of one Field Marshal Lieutenant General .


Heinrich Karl Freiherr von Bibra came from the Thuringian-Franconian noble family of the von Bibra . He was married to Maria Johanna Theresia, née von Eyb (1684–1771). Heinrich Karl and his three brothers, still living in 1698, including Georg Friedrich, Christoph Erhard and Johann Ernst , received the hereditary imperial baron diploma from the emperor.

Heinrich Karl changed from Dutch service to the Franconian Circle under Margrave Christian Heinrich . As the successor to his brother Christoph Erhard, he took over a Bamberg company and was therefore subordinate to the Bamberg Prince-Bishop Lothar Franz von Schönborn . He fought for the Ansbach margraves in the War of the Spanish Succession . The cavalry regiment in the Franconian Empire, which existed from 1691 to 1793 (for an overview, see the list of regiments in the Franconian Empire ) was initially headed by Christoph Wilhelm von Aufseß . In 1704 Heinrich Karl took over the regiment . He was followed in 1733 by Philipp Caspar von Linsingen .

In 1714 Bibra acquired what is now known as the Bibra-Palais (also called Bibra-Haus) in Bamberg and extended the building with a porch. The architect was Johann Dientzenhofer . Above the entrance portal, the Bibra-Eyb double coat of arms indicates the marital union. As a follower of the Bamberg bishop, von Bibra held a number of civil offices within the diocese. In 1711 he was appointed a privy councilor, from 1715 to 1717 he was senior bailiff in the Scheßlitz office, and finally in 1717 he became the governor and fortress commander of the Forchheim fortress . In 1721 he was awarded the Bamberg hereditary submarine office, as the elder of the family he also became hereditary sub-marshal of Würzburg in 1727 .


Heinrich Karl von Bibra had Maria Johanna Theresia born. von Eyb (* 1685) married. She was a niece of Prince-Bishop Johann Martin von Eyb (1630–1704) and the aunt of Freising Auxiliary Bishop Franz Ignaz Albert von Werdenstein (1697–1766).

Her son Heinrich von Bibra (1711–1788) became Prince-Bishop of Fulda .


  • Wilhelm Freiherr von Bibra: Contributions to the family history of the imperial barons of Bibra. (BD. 3), 1888 . Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf , pp. 208–226.
  • Martin Stingl: Imperial freedom and prince service. The service relations of von Bibra 1500 to 1806 . Degener, Neustadt ad Aisch 1994 (publications by the Society for Franconian History. Series IX; 41) pp. 203-205.

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Individual evidence

  1. Claus Fackler: Stiftsadel und Geistliche Territorien 1670-1803, 2006, ISBN 978-3-8306-7268-5 , p. 165.
  2. ^ Peter Adolph Winkopp: The new German viewer , Volume 1, 1789, p. 98; (Digital scan)
  3. ^ Franz Sales Romstöck: The von Werdenstein - Eyb'sche Grabdenkmal in Dollnstein , Eichstätt 1909, especially p. 21; (Digital scan)