Heinrich Maurer (teacher)

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Heinrich Maurer (born November 29, 1837 in Ladenburg , † August 29, 1921 in Mannheim ) was a Baden local researcher , philologist and theologian .


Maurer passed his matriculation examination at the Lyzeum in Heidelberg and began studying philology and Protestant theology at the University of Heidelberg in 1857 , where Karl Julius Holtzmann was one of his teachers. He also took history lectures with Ludwig Häusser . In 1860 and 1862 he passed the state examination in philology and theology. He started his professional life as a vicar in Dietlingen and then worked as a deacon and teacher at the secondary schools in Lahr and Weinheim . From 1865 to 1892 he was a deacon and head of the high school in Emmendingen . From 1892 to 1901 he worked as a professor at the grammar school in Mannheim . In 1901 he retired for health reasons.

Maurer first appeared public in 1875 with a publication on a historical topic. The focus of his historical studies was the northern Breisgau . In addition to a few monographs - especially about Emmendingen - Maurer published his work mainly in the journal of the Breisgau history association "Schau-ins-Land" , the journal of the society for the promotion of history, antiquity and folklore of Freiburg, the Breisgau and the neighboring Landscapes and the magazine for the history of the Upper Rhine . Together with Julius Naeher , he published the work Die Alt-Badischen Burgen und Schlösser des Breisgaues in 1884 . In 2007 the Heimatbund Ladenburg e. V. posthumously the youth memories - A youth in the Rhine-Neckar area around 1850 - Maurers out.

For the Baden Historical Commission he worked as a nurse in the districts of Breisach , Emmendingen and Waldkirch and was appointed as an extraordinary member of the commission in 1889.

Works (selection)

  • The Emmendingen City and Liberty Letter with an introduction: The Roman origin of the city of Emmendingen. Emmendingen 1875
  • Evidence of the genealogy of the gentlemen von Geroldseck. Emmendingen 1880
  • The Landgraviate in Breisgau, a contribution to the history of the Princely House of Baden , Emmendingen 1881
  • Emmendingen before and after its elevation to the city , Emmendingen 1890


  • Albert Krieger : Heinrich Maurer †. An obituary. In: Journal for the history of the Upper Rhine , Volume 75 (1921), pp. 473-475 online

Web links

Wikisource: Heinrich Maurer  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. see the history of the school on the homepage of the Goethe-Gymnasium Emmendingen
  2. Article Ladenburg Week of December 7, 2007 (kp)
  3. Table of contents online