Heinrich Pützhofen-Esters

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Heinrich Pützhofen-Esters (born September 24, 1879 in Krefeld , † September 14,  1957 in Selters , Unterwesterwaldkreis ) was a German landscape , vedute and stage painter and graphic artist from the Düsseldorf School .


Pützhofen-Esters grew up in a middle-class family in Krefeld. Through one of his aunts, who married into the Hambüchen family of artists ( Wolfgang Hambüchen , Georg Hambüchen ), he was the cousin of the landscape painter Paul Pützhofen-Hambüchen . In 1886 he started school, from 1890 he attended high school on Moltkeplatz .

Around 1900 Pützhofen-Esters began studying painting at the Düsseldorf Art Academy . During his studies, in which he took the subjects of landscape and genre painting, he founded a joint studio in Düsseldorf with a painter friend . During this time he also undertook several study trips across Germany, in particular to the various areas of the native Rhine Province , as well as to Spain, the Netherlands and France.

As a friend of the opera and spoken theater, he began around 1910 with the production of stage models for the stages in Cologne and Bonn based on third-party designs. As a result of commissioned work, he and his brother founded a company for "artistic theater painting" in Bad Godesberg . It produced theater decorations as well as equipment for ceremonial meetings of Rhenish carnival and civic associations. The resulting fund was partly loaned to local shops as shop window decorations. Until 1917 both worked as set designers for a Dutch theater and variety company.

He then took part as a soldier in the First World War, at the end of which he had to organize a new professional start. Around 1920 he moved into an apartment in Cologne, probably in the southern part of Cologne. There he set up a studio for theater painting and graphics. In particular, he produced equipment for the municipal theaters and theaters of the Hanseatic City of Cologne.

During the Second World War , on the night of April 20-21, 1944, an air raid destroyed his painting store in an underground cellar. Because his apartment had been destroyed and his paintings burned, he moved with his wife to Selters in the Westerwald and began his "third" life as a painter there at the age of 65. From Selters he undertook study trips to Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain in this new creative phase. Through the "encounter with light" and new art movements, he turned to "free impressionism".


  • Wilma Rücker, Ullrich Dahinden: A search for traces in the Westerwald. The painter Heinrich Pützhofen-Esters lived and worked in Selters . In: Wäller Heimat . 2003, pp. 94-97.
  • Wilma Rücker: Famous Artists, Part I Painters see Runkel . In: Stadt Runkel (ed.): Runkeler papers . Issue 1/2010, p. 9 ( PDF ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Museum Kunstpalast : Artists from the Düsseldorf School of Painting (selection, as of November 2016, PDF )
  2. ^ Elmar Buck , Daniela Franke: Cologne, the city and its theater. Places and people. Opera, drama, dance. Documents from the Theater Studies Collection Schloss Wahn, University of Cologne . Faste Verlag, Kassel 2007, ISBN 978-3-9316-9152-3 , pp. 116, 261