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Coat of arms of Berlin.svg
Place in Berlin
West side of Heinrichplatz
Basic data
place Berlin
District Kreuzberg
Created 19th century
Confluent streets
Oranienstrasse , Mariannenstrasse
User groups Road traffic
Technical specifications
Square area 8,100 m²

The Heinrichplatz is a central Berlin square - in as SO 36 part indicated Kreuzberg  - the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg .

The square is at the intersection of Oranienstrasse and Mariannenstrasse , south of Mariannenplatz . Since April 7, 1849, the place is named after Prince Heinrich of Prussia , Grand Master of the Prussian Johanniter , a younger brother of King Friedrich Wilhelm III. , named.


The first spelling after the name was Heinrichs-Platz . At that time, no addresses or parcels were assigned to the town square . In 1860, only the private home of the master mason art was given here. As a place with a postal address, it does not appear again in the address directories.

From the end of the 1990s to the end of the 2000s, Heinrichplatz and the adjacent sections of Oranienstrasse formed the center of the Kreuzberg riots on May 1st, and since 2003 it has also been a center of the Myfest, which was developed as a cultural counter- program . The first vegetable battle between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg, which has been held annually on the Oberbaumbrücke since 1998 , also took place in 1995 on Heinrichplatz and was won by the fighters of the KPD / RZ .

The square also achieved national fame through its traditional cafes and pubs . Central scenes of the novel Herr Lehmann and its film adaptation take place in the pub Zum Elefanten on Heinrichplatz. Also based on Heinrichplatz pub the Golden Rooster sat Bernd Kramer in two books a monument. Kramer and Thomas Kapielski had at UNESCO requested that the pub on the List of World Heritage to set. The traditional Café Jenseits by the artist Clement de Wroblewsky closed at the end of 2009 due to extreme rent increases by the new homeowner and the smoking ban.


View from the south of the houses at Oranienstrasse 10-14

The tenement houses adjoining Heinrichplatz (Oranienstrasse 12-18 on the north and 191-1988 on the south) were built between 1860 and 1866 (with the exception of the Oranienstrasse 195 building, which was newly built in the 1980s). All buildings are part of the listed building ensemble Oranienstrasse. The kiosk on the square, built around 1905 based on a design by Alfred Grenander , is also a listed building . Diagonally across from the kiosk was a historic urinal that was dismantled for repair in 1989/1990; however, it was not re-established.

The mural Astronaut Cosmonaut by the French street artist Victor Ash can be seen from the corner of Mariannenstrasse and Skalitzer Strasse , and is on the fire wall of a residential building on Heinrichplatz.


In 2017, the PARTEI submitted an application to the District Assembly (BVV) Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg to rename the place to work . The motion was rejected with five for, twelve against and one abstention.

In 2018 there was a written survey of residents and also at a participation event in November 2019 on a survey about the naming of a place in the historic postal delivery district SO 36 after the singer Rio Reiser . After a majority voted in favor of renaming Heinrichplatz to Rio-Reiser-Platz, the result should be submitted to the BVV as a recommendation for a resolution.

On November 27, 2019, BVV decided with a large majority to rename the square to Rio-Reiser-Platz. This is to take place as part of a celebration for Reiser's 70th birthday in September 2020.

Musical mention

Heinrichplatz is mentioned in the song Hurra the world goes down by KIZ and Henning May .

See also

Web links

Commons : Heinrichplatz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrichs-Platz . In: General housing indicator for Berlin, Charlottenburg and surroundings , 1850, part 2, p. 49.
  2. History & Stories "Zum Goldenen Hahn" (3rd edition 2007) and Up close and personal with the hip flask (2007)
  3. Existential threats aren't funny . In: taz
  4. Entry of the Oranienstrasse ensemble in the Berlin list of monuments
  5. Entry of the kiosk Heinrichplatz in the Berlin monument list
  6. Excerpt - Renaming of Heinrichplatz to Workplace. Retrieved March 29, 2019 .
  7. “A place for Rio Reiser ?!” Discussion and participation event , District Office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, press release No. 258 of November 4, 2019. accessed November 28, 2019
  8. ^ Stefan Hunglinger: Rio-Reiser-Platz in Berlin-Kreuzberg: In the squatter country . In: The daily newspaper: taz . November 8, 2019, ISSN  0931-9085 ( taz.de [accessed November 9, 2019]).
  9. Now the Rio-Reiser-Platz is really coming . At: tagesspiegel.de , accessed on November 28, 2019

Coordinates: 52 ° 30 '0.9 "  N , 13 ° 25' 23.1"  E