Helmut Genschel

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Helmut Genschel (born February 27, 1928 in Berlin ) is a German historian and political scientist .

Genschel studied history and political science and received his doctorate in 1963 at the University of Göttingen under Richard Nürnberger with his fundamental study: The displacement of Jews from the economy in the Third Reich .

In 1967 Genschel became a lecturer at the Karlsruhe University of Education . From 1970 until his retirement in 1990 he was professor for political education and history and didactics and methodology of social studies and history lessons at this university. His courses mainly included topics from peace and environmental research, party history and concepts of political education. One focus of his research was the function of history didactics and history lessons as political education under National Socialism.

Aryanization research

Genschel's fundamental study at the time on the Aryanization of the economy: The displacement of Jews from the economy in the Third Reich was published in an expanded form in 1966 as a book and was widely received in science and the media. The news magazine Der Spiegel reported extensively; the historian Wilhelm Treue praised the work of the time as “a study written with exemplary scientific care”.

According to this, Genschel differentiates between two periods of Aryanization :

  • "the" creeping persecution of Jews "(summer 1933 to spring 1935 and 1936 to autumn 1937) and from
  • "Legal exclusion of Jews from the economy" during the period from "Reichskristallnacht" until the outbreak of war. "(Treue 1966)


The two-phase division of Aryanization introduced by Genschel is due to Avraham Barkai's dissertation in Cologne in 1977 : The Economic System of National Socialism. The historical and ideological background 1933–1936 and his essay The economic struggle for existence as a two-phase division based on the close season legend has been fundamentally questioned.

With Frank Bajohr , five levels or waves of radicalization are distinguished today: "The involvement of the NSDAP district economic advisors in 1935/36 as the approval authorities for Aryanization agreements, the tightening of foreign exchange legislation and foreign exchange monitoring in 1936/37, the intensified anti-Jewish activities of the Reich Ministry of Economics in 1937/38, which accelerated ' Aryanization 'by ordinance since May 1938 and finally the open transition to forced Aryanization after the November pogrom 1938. "

Publications (monographs)

  • The displacement of the Jews from the economy in the Third Reich . Musterschmidt. Göttingen 1966 (= Dissertation University of Göttingen 1963)
  • Political education through history lessons. The contribution of history didactics and history lessons to political education under National Socialism . Hague and Herchen. Frankfurt a. M. 1980, ISBN 3-88129-310-8


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Aryanized and concentrated . In: Der Spiegel, March 27, 1967, pp. 49-50.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Treue: The Aryanization of the economy . In: Die Zeit, October 28, 1966.
  3. in: Arnold Paucker, Sylvia Gilchrist, Barbara Suchy (eds.), The Jews in Nazi Germany 1933–1943 / The Jews in Nazi Germany 1933–1943, Tübingen 1986, pp. 153–172 [Barkai 1986]
  4. Barkai 1986, 154f.
  5. ^ Frank Bajohr, "Aryanization" and Restitution, an Assessment ", in: Constantin Goschler and Jürgen Lillteicher (Eds.)," Aryanization "and Restitution: The Restitution of Jewish Property in Germany and Austria after 1945 and 1989, Göttingen 2002, p. 41.