Henning Göde

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Portrait of Henning Göde based on Martin Friedrich Seidel's picture collection

Henning Göde , (also Goede, Gode, Goden ; * around 1450 in Werben ; † January 21, 1521 in Wittenberg ) was a German lawyer .


Göde enrolled at the University of Erfurt in the summer semester of 1464 and obtained the academic degree of Magister Artium in 1474 . In 1478 he was sent from the university to Rome to obtain permission to relocate the Erfurt nunnery so that a castle could be built in its place. As early as 1486 he obtained the Licentia gradum sumendi and from then on held lectures at the university. On October 26, 1489, he received his doctorate in both rights, secular and ecclesiastical law, and was accepted as a member of the law faculty.

In his function as a lawyer, he advised the councils of cities, especially in northern Germany. He also worked for various royal houses and represented them as an excellent speaker at diets, state parliaments and at peace negotiations. He also worked as an advisor to the Erfurt City Council, from which he was paid. Through his activities he achieved a widely recognized reputation, so that he was elected rector of the institution at the University of Erfurt in the winter semester of 1486 and in the winter semester of 1489 .

When he became dean of the law faculty, he received a position as a canon of the beatae Mariae virginis collegiate church . The works he wrote show that as a lawyer he stood out above the average of the time. He was open to new ideas, encouraged his students to study pure philosophy, and was open to emerging humanism . In 1509 there were disputes with the council of Erfurt, as a result of which Göde left the city on July 13th.

He turned to Gotha to make himself available as a princely councilor to the Wettin patrons. In the summer of 1510 he was in the Saxon Elector's residence city Wittenberg at the local university , the senior professor of the law school by Frederick the Wise offered. He took over this on October 8th, becoming provost of the castle church and giving lectures on the decree de constitutionibus . As an advisor to the elector , he accompanied him to the election of Charles V as emperor .

Göde found himself incomprehensible to the theology of the Reformation , newly emerging through Martin Luther , as he doubted its seriousness. In his attitude towards the curia , he stated that he wanted to reserve his own independent judgment and was rather neutral on this question. He therefore commented coolly that the bull of 13 June 1520 would not do much harm because of its informality . In 1516 there was a reconciliation with the council in Erfurt and Göde returned there, but immediately turned back to Wittenberg and died there unmarried and childless.

As a rich man he had a fortune of 15,000 guilders and a house in Erfurt. This fortune fell into the hands of the University of Wittenberg and was used for scholarships. He found his final resting place in the castle church in Wittenberg . There is a bronze plaque on the tomb, cast by Peter Vischer in Nuremberg . The same can be seen again in the Erfurt Cathedral because Göde was canon there.


  • "Consilia" published by Melchior Kling, 1541
  • "Judiciarii ordinis processus" (college booklet on process) published by Johann Braun, 1538
