Henri van der Hoeven

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Henri van der Hoeven

Henri van der Hoeven (born March 13, 1843 in Breda , † May 21, 1924 in Zundert ) was a Dutch legal scholar.


Henri was the son of Major Govert George van der Hoeven (born May 19, 1816 in Breda; † June 16, 1869 in Nijmegen) and his wife Henriëtte Ida Engelen (born October 12, 1820 in Doornik; † May 24, 1899 in Hilversum) . He had attended the Athenaeum in Maastricht and began studying law at the University of Leiden in 1860 . Here Rembt Tobias Hugo Pieter Liebrecht Alexander van Boneval Faure , Joël Emanuel Goudsmit and Johan de Wal became his formative teachers. On December 12, 1864 he received his doctorate in Leiden with the treatise Opmerkingen over de Nederlandsche strafwetgeving vor het Krijgsvolk te lande (1866, 2nd edition) as a doctor of law. From 1865 he worked as a lawyer in Breda, and from 1867 teacher for state budget, statistics and Italian at the secondary school (HBS) in Breda. In 1869 he was appointed substitute officer and in 1873 officer of the Justitz in Brielle , and in 1877 he became advocate general at the Court of Justice in The Hague .

On October 2, 1879, he was appointed professor of criminal law and criminal law at the University of Leiden, which task he took on on November 26, 1879 with the inaugural address De Vaststelling en Invoering van het Wetboek van criminal law . He participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1901/02 , for which he gave the rector's speech on February 8, 1902, Over waardeering en herrorming van het criminal law . On May 9, 1898, he had become a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences , Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion and Chairman of the State Commission for Statistics of the Netherlands. On May 2, 1908, he retired due to his own resignation and retired on September 21, 1908.


Van der Hoeven was married twice. His first marriage was on March 13, 1866 with Marianne Caroline Cochius (* around 1843 in Batavia; † August 29, 1866 in Breda), the daughter of Frans David Cochius (1787–1876) and his wife Catharina Petronella Maria Brest van Kempen (1805-1887). His second marriage was on February 18, 1869 in Arnhem with Elisabeth Plate (born November 19, 1849 in Semarang; † March 3, 1934 in Leiden), their daughter Jean Guillaume Plate (born April 29, 1812 in Rotterdam; † 29. December 1885 in Arnhem) and his wife Johanna Theodora Wagenknecht (born August 27, 1816 in Rotterdam; † November 24, 1869 there). The second marriage has five sons and one daughter.

  • Pieter Cornelis Tobias van der Hoeven (born August 28, 1870 in Brielle, † May 30, 1953 in Zundert) married. December 29, 1896 in Leiden with Geeske Fockema Andreae (born June 27, 1873 in Hillegersberg, † January 17, 1972 in Zundert)
  • Govert George (Johannes Theodorus) van der Hoeven (* May 2, 1872 in Brielle; † January 4, 1955 in Breda) married on August 26, 1901 in Zundert to Isabella Frederika Henriette Roosboom (* March 15, 1879 in Rotterdam)
  • Johanna Theodora van der Hoeven (born December 6, 1873 in Brielle, † September 28, 1934 in Leiden)
  • Antoine van der Hoeven (born March 12, 1876 in Brielle, † July 19, 1881 in Leiden)
  • Henri van den Hoeven (born February 8, 1879 in The Hague, † April 22, 1956 in De Bilt) married. June 29, 1905 in Oegstgeest with Emma Gorter (born October 5, 1882 in Utrecht; † November 28, 1942 ibid), daughter of Auke Gorter and Geertje Meier
  • Constant van der Hoeven (born November 29, 1881 in Leiden) became an engineer. Emigrated to the USA, proven in 1924 in New York and 1934 in Asheville


Van der Hoeven had made numerous contributions to various legal and academic journals and journals of his time. Significant writings of his are:

  • Over de vaststelling en invoering van het Wetboek van Strafrecht. Leiden, 1880
  • De vraag: May het Wetboek van Strafrecht be ingevoerd ongewijzigd? Answer. Leiden, 1884
  • Onze militaire strafwetgeving. Geschiedenis harer wording en vaststelling met toestemming van ZM den Koning uit de op ZM's Kabinet berustende modest en uit other onuitgegeven offîciëele en niet-officiëele stukken put. Leiden, 1884
  • Wetboek van Militair Criminal Law voor de Zee- en Landmacht. 1886
  • Wetboek van Strafrecht, Rechtspraak en Nederlandsche Literatuur (dead 1 maart 1909). Leiden, 1910 (edited by him)
  • Wetgeving. Verameling of the stukken en beraadslagingen concerning voor de practijk of uit other hoofde belangrijke bets (1891–1899). Leiden, 1892-1901
  • Militair punishments. Verzameling van Ontwerpen, stukken, beraadslagingen enz .. The Hague 1903–1904. 3rd vol.


  • LJM Tonino: Hoeven, Henri van der (1843–1924). In: Biographical Woordenboek van Nederland. The Hague, 1979, Vol. 1, ( Online )
  • Onze Hoogleeraren. Portretten en Biografieën. Nihgh & van Ditmar. Rotterdam, 1898, p. 37
  • Didericus Gijsbertus van Epen: Nederland's patriciaat. 1971, vol. 57, p. 161
  • Prof. Mr. H. van den Hoeven. †. In: Nieuwe Leidsche Courant. May 22, 1924, p. 1/4 , accessed August 30, 2013 (Dutch).

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