Henry Tattam

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Henry Tattam (born December 28, 1788 , † January 8, 1868 in Stanford Rivers , Essex ) was an English Coptologist and priest of the Church of England .


Tattam was rector of the Anglican Church of St Cuthbert in Bedford at the age of 34 and of Great Woolstone in Buckinghamshire from 1831 . He held both offices until 1849. In Bedford he took over the archdeaconate in 1845 until 1866. Other offices were the rector of Stanford Rivers in Essex (from 1849) and the function of Chaplain-in-Ordinary to the Queen from 1853 on.

Tattam was the author of several theological and philosophical works, as well as a translator of Coptic texts. In 1835 he was elected a member of the Royal Society . Tattam received several honorary doctorates from various universities, such as Trinity College Dublin , the University of Göttingen and the University of Leiden .

Works (selection)

An overview of his works can be found in the catalogs of the bibliographic database WorldCat .

  • Evangelia coptice arabice, London 1829
  • Lexicon Aegyptiaco-Latinum
  • 1835 A Coptic-Latin Lexicon
  • The Ancient Coptic Version of the Book of Job the Just (1846)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Allibone, SA A critical dictionary of English literature , p. 2337
  2. Boase, F., Modern English biography , 1898–1921
  3. Thompson Cooper : Tattam, Henry (1788-1868), Church of England clergyman and Coptic scholar. In: Henry Colin Gray Matthew, Brian Harrison (Eds.): Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , from the earliest times to the year 2000 (ODNB). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, ISBN 0-19-861411-X , ( oxforddnb.com license required ), as of 2004 (rev. Chris Pickford).
  4. Thompson CooperTattam, Henry . In: Sidney Lee (Ed.): Dictionary of National Biography . Volume 55:  Stow - Taylor. , MacMillan & Co, Smith, Elder & Co., New York City / London 1898, pp. 386 - 387 (English).
  5. http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-nr97-3510