Henryk Hayden

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Henryk Hayden (also Henri Hayden; born December 24, 1883 in Warsaw , † May 12, 1970 in Paris ) was a Polish painter.


Hayden came from a wealthy merchant family. From 1902 he studied - according to his parents' wishes - initially at the Technical University in Warsaw, but in 1905 - following his own inclinations - he moved to the Warsaw Art Academy . In 1907, Hayden, supported by his father, moved to Paris, where he took lessons at the Académie de la Palette under Charles Guérin and Georges Devaslière. From 1908 he stayed regularly in Brittany (Le Pouldu, Pont-Aven , Doëlan), where he met Władysław Ślewiński .

He had a close relationship with the art critics Adolfem Baslerem and André Salmon , who promoted him. He was friends with artists such as Max Jacob , Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso . In 1920 he visited Poland. He spent the beginning of the war in southern France, where he got to know and appreciate Robert Delaunay and Samuel Beckett . In 1941 he returned to Paris.


His early works show the strong influence of Ślewiński, they correspond to the Pont-Aven school . From 1912 to 1913 his works were shaped by the geometric shapes of Paul Cézanne , they are already reminiscent of early Cubism . Between 1915 and 1921 he painted based on synthetic cubism (still lifes, groups of musicians). From 1922 to 1952 his pictures are kept in a realistic style (landscapes, portraits). Towards the end of his life, the style of the pictures became more cubist again.

Hayden made his debut at the Fall Exhibition of the Paris Salon in 1909. He exhibited several times at the Salon, the Independents and the Tuileries. Solo exhibitions took place in the Paris galleries Druet (1919), Rosenberg (1919), de l'Effort Moderne (1919), Zborowski (1923), Bernheim (1928), Zak (1928 and 1933), Drouant (1933), Pétrides (1939) ) and Suillerot (1953, 1957 and 1965). It was also shown at London's Waddington Gallery (1959, 1961, 1964 and 1967). In 1959 his works were shown at an exhibition of French art in the National Museums in Cracow and Warsaw . Retrospectives were held in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Lyon in 1960, in the National Museum of Modern Art in Paris in 1970 and in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rennes in 1979 . In 1994 there was another retrospective at the Musée d'Art Moderne in Troyes , and the following year at the Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery in Dublin .


  • Władysława Jaworska, Agnieszka Morawińska and others: Malarstwo polskie w kolekcji Ewy i Wojciecha Fibakow ( Polish painting in the Ewa and Wojtek Fibak Collection ). Auriga Publishing House, Warsaw 1992, ISBN 83-221-0623-8 . P. 146 f.

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References and comments

  1. a b according to Irena Kossowska, detailed biography at Culture.pl, Art Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences , July 2004 (Polish)