Herbert Albers

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Herbert Johann Albers (pseudonym: Hermann Müller-Platow ) (born June 2, 1908 in Wilhelmshaven ; † April 28, 2001 ) was a German gynecologist.


The son of the businessman Johannes Albers and Theda Albers studied first in Marburg , later in Jena and Kiel . After researching anatomy and continuing education in internal medicine and surgery, Albers turned to gynecology. Even before his medical state examination, he published a study on hyperchloremia in hyperemesis gravidarum . In 1936 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. His teacher in Kiel, the gynecologist Robert Schröder , brought him to the University of Leipzig , where he completed his habilitation in 1940 . 1944–1945 he was a non-scheduled associate professor for gynecology and obstetrics in Leipzig. After the Second World War, he founded the Oldenburg State Hospital Sanderbusch in 1947 in Sanderbusch, Frisia, with the approval of the Oldenburg State Welfare Association . After a year at the Paracelsus Clinic in Marl , he came to the municipal women's clinic in Wiesbaden in 1958 as chief physician . Among other things, he taught there on behalf of the University of Mainz in obstetrics and gynecology. She appointed him associate professor in 1969. Albers retired in 1974.

Herbert Albers is the author of 148 specialist publications as well as several specialist and non-fiction books. Under the pseudonym Hermann Müller-Platow he published the advice book The Healthy Woman .

Albers was a member of the SA (from 1933), the NSDAP (from 1937), the SS (from 1939) and the Marburger Turerschaft Philippina .


  • Died. in: Deutsches Ärzteblatt . Volume 98, 2001, pp. 28-29

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Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Contribution to the question of creatine-creatinine metabolism in the gestational period (with special consideration of blood values) .
  2. Habilitation thesis: The water balance of pregnant women .
  3. ^ University of Leipzig: catalog of professors ; accessed on May 22, 2014