Herbert Tingsten
Herbert Lars Gustaf Tingsten (born March 17, 1896 in Järfälla , Sweden , † December 26, 1973 ) was a Swedish political scientist , writer and journalist . He was professor of political science at Stockholm University from 1935 to 1946 and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Dagens Nyheter from 1946 to 1959.
Herbert Tingsten was the son of the city servant Karl Tingsten and his wife Elin Bergenstjerna. In 1923, while he was secretary of the Swedish Parliament (Swedish: Konstitutionutskottet, KU), he finished his doctoral thesis. He studied philosophy and law at Uppsala University and received his doctorate in both disciplines in 1923 and 1924, respectively. In 1924 he completed his habilitation in political science at Uppsala University, where he received a corresponding chair as a full public professor in 1935.
Political positions
Tingsten changed his political views several times in the course of his life. In his early teens he was a conservative and later a radical left-wing liberal . In the 1920s he joined the Swedish Social Democratic Party and was with the left faction of the party. In 1941 he wrote Den Svenska Socialdemokratiens Idéutveckling ("the ideological development of the Swedish social democrats"), where he criticized the party for failing to meet the Marxist goals of nationalizing private industry. After reading Friedrich August von Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" (Eng. The way to servitude) in 1944, Tingsten became a staunch supporter of the free market economy . In 1945 he left the Social Democratic Party. He was one of the first participants in the Mont Pelerin Society , founded in 1947.
Tingsten was an early opponent of Nazism , which he warned against in the early 1930s, as well as the threat of communism . During his time as editor-in-chief of Dagens Nyheter Tingsten, he spoke out in favor of Swedish membership in NATO . He also supported Israel .
In a series of books and publications, Tingsten foresaw the major problems of political developments in the 20th century, such as the rise of fascism , apartheid in South Africa, the transition from socialism to social democracy, and the need for democratic vitality in Western societies. Tingsten had extensive knowledge of Anglo-Saxon and continental European sciences and literature. He created the concept of political behavior in his 1936 book and pioneered statistical election analysis.
- Folkomröstningsinstitutet i North America's Förenta Stater ( Swedish ) 1923.
- Konstitutionella fullmaktslagar i modern parlamentaris ( Swedish ). Gleerup, Lund 1926.
- Förbudslagstiftningens resultat i North America's förenta stater ( Swedish ) 1927.
- Studier över konstitutionutskottets dechargeförfarande: några spörsmål i anknytning till senare praxis ( Swedish ) 1928.
- Amerikansk Demokratie: grunddragen av Förenta staternas statsliv ( Swedish ). Nature and culture, Stockholm 1929.
- Studier rörande ministerstyrelse ( Swedish ) 1929.
- Regeringsmaktens expansion under och efter världskriget: studier över konstitutionell fullmaktslagstiftning ( Swedish ). Gleerup, Lund 1930.
- Från parliamentarism till dictatorship: fascismens erövring av Italy ( Swedish ). Nature and culture, Stockholm 1930.
- Utredning angående införande av ett dagordningsinstitut mm ( Swedish ). North. bokh. i distr., Stockholm 1935.
- Den nationella dictatorships: nazismens och fascismens idéer ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1936.
- Political behavior: studies in election statistics . PS King, London 1937.
- De conservativa idéerna ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1939.
- Den svenska socialdemokratiens idéutveckling ( Swedish ). Tiden, Stockholm 1941.
- Idékritik ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1941.
- Problem i svensk Demokrati ( Swedish ) 1941.
- Samtidens förbundsstater ( Swedish ). Kooperativa förbundet, Stockholm 1942.
- Debates om nordisk enhet ( Swedish ) 1943.
- Svensk utrikesdebatt mellan världskrig ( Swedish ). Kooperativa förbundet, Stockholm 1944.
- Engelsk kolonialdebatt ( Swedish ) 1944.
- Fred och säkerhet efter andra världskriget: ett svenskt discussion inlägg ( Swedish ). Kooperativa förbundet, Stockholm 1945.
- Democracy problem ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1945.
- Problem i USA ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1948.
- Argument ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1948.
- Revolutionernas arvtagare: sydamerikanskt perspective ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1950.
- Västtysklands problem ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1950.
- Tredje ståndpunkte - en orimlighet ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1951.
- Idéer och genier ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1953.
- Problems South Africa ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1954.
- Parti och politik ( Swedish ). Ehlins, Stockholm 1955.
- Japan ( Swedish ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1956.
- Det hotade Israel ( Swedish ). Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1957.
- På krigsstigen ( Swedish ). Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1958.
- På marknadstorget ( Swedish ). Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1958.
- Åsikter och motiv: [essayer i statsvetenskapliga, politiska och litterära ämnen] ( Swedish ). Aldus / Bonnier, Stockholm 1963.
- Mitt liv ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1961-1964.
- Skall kungamakten starkas? : Kritik av författningsförslaget ( Swedish ). Aldus / Bonnier, Stockholm 1964.
- Viktoria och viktorianerna ( Swedish ). Aldus / Bonnier, Stockholm 1965.
- När Churchill grep makten och andra essayer ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1966.
- Från idéer till idyll: den lyckliga democracies ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1966.
- Strid kring idyllen ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1966.
- Notiser om liv och död ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1967.
- Dagbok från Amerika ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1968.
- Min politiska horisont och andra essayer ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1969.
- Gud och fosterlandet: studier i hundra års skolpropaganda ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1969.
- När skymningen faller på ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1970.
- Perspective på näringslivsdebatten ( Swedish ) 1970.
- Sällskap för mina tankar ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1971, ISBN 91-1-715742-0 .
- Flyktförsök: notiser 1971-1972 ( Swedish ). Norstedt, Stockholm 1972, ISBN 91-1-725682-8 .
Web links
- Works by Herbert Tingsten on libris.kb.se
- Begreppet 'Socialism' in National Socialism , Herbert Tingsten, Tiden , Sidorna 605-615, 1935.
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d e Literature: Ulf Nilson in Bråkmakarna, Trevi Verlag, Stockholm 1981. ISBN 91-7160-341-7
- ↑ Skovdahl, Bernt (1946-); Förlorad Kontroll - Den ifrågasatta framstegstanken Dialogos Förlag, Stockholm, 2010, ISBN 978-91-7504-219-0 , LIBRIS-id 11615885
- ↑ Per Ahlmark: Vänstern och tyranniet. Det galna kvartsseklet, s. 14. Stockholm 1994 and 2003, Timbro.
- ↑ Herbert Tingsten och det kalla kriget. Antikommunism och liberalism i Dagens Nyheter 1946–1952, Alf W Johansson , Tidens förlag, Stockholm 1995.
- ↑ Ingemar Hedenius: Herbert Tingsten - Människan och democrats, Stockholm 1974, Norstedts.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Tingsten, Herbert |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Tingsten, Herbert Lars Gustaf (full name) |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Swedish political scientist, writer and newspaper publisher |
DATE OF BIRTH | March 17, 1896 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Järfälla , Sweden |
DATE OF DEATH | December 26th 1973 |