Herbert Weyher

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Herbert Weyher (born September 11, 1904 , † October 19, 1970 in Hanover ) was a German administrative lawyer, most recently president of the Hanover Monastery Chamber .


Born as the son of a customs councilor, Weyher attended the Quirinus grammar school in Neuss . After graduating from high school, he completed a banking apprenticeship. In the summer semester of 1927 he began to study law at the Georg August University . In 1928 he was reciprocated in the Corps Teutonia . In 1931 he passed the trainee examination. In the same year he was awarded a Dr. iur. PhD. He got his first job in the Reich Ministry of Economics . In the post-war period in Germany , he established himself as a lawyer in Hanover. In 1957 he was reappointed to the civil service as a senior government councilor and clerk for church issues in the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education . In this function he played a key role in the conclusion of the Concordat between the State of Lower Saxony and the Holy See . In 1964 Weyher became director of the monastery chamber, and in 1968 he was appointed president of the authority. He died at the age of 66 and was buried in the cemetery of Marienwerder Monastery.



  • Der Göttinger Bote 42 (1971), p. 15

Individual evidence

  1. Birthday according to information from the Hanover Monastery Chamber
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 46/396; 47/184.
  3. Dissertation: The question of the applicability of the surrogation principle to generic debts .