Heribert W. Gärtner

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Heribert W. Gärtner (born March 17, 1955 - † January 24, 2017 ) was a German psychologist and Catholic theologian . He worked as a professor for management and organizational psychology at the Catholic University of North Rhine-Westphalia and was honorary professor for nursing system research at the nursing science faculty of the Philosophical-Theological University of Vallendar .


Heribert W. Gärtner studied Catholic theology, philosophy and psychology at the University of Freiburg . After working as a research assistant at the University of Freiburg from 1982 to 1987, he became the social science director of the Caritas Academy for Nursing Professions in Freiburg. In 1993 he took on the role of federal manager of the Society for Scientific Discussion Psychotherapy (GwG) in Cologne ; In 1994 he completed his doctorate at the University of Freiburg with a dissertation on the subject: Between management and charity: On the identity of the church hospital . He was a supervisor ( BdP ).

Since the winter semester 1994/95 Gärtner has been teaching as a professor for management and organizational psychology at the Catholic University of North Rhine-Westphalia . From 1995 to 1997 and again from 2001 to 2003 he was dean and until 2005 vice dean of the department of health care. From 2006 to 2011 he was chairman of the department's examination board; until 2016 deputy chairman.

Heribert W. Gärtner represents the more recent system theory of Luhmann's character, which for him represents an important foundation of the theoretical discussion about management and organizational research. The second source of his drive and inspiration is the gospel. He was particularly concerned with the life and work of both Saints Cosmas and Damian . The brothers were Christian healers between the 3rd and 4th centuries AD in the area of ​​today's Syria. They treated and healed the sick and lepers free of charge.

Heribert Gärtner was committed to the structural development of nursing science and was the initiator and member of the commission for the establishment of the German Institute for Applied Nursing Research eV in Cologne; from 2003 to 2009 its chairman of the board. He was the source of ideas for the establishment of nursing science at the Philosophical-Theological University Vallendar and from 2000 to 2004, together with Manfred Probst , chairman of the planning commission for the establishment of the nursing faculty. Since the summer semester of 2008, he has been teaching in addition to his work in Cologne as an honorary professor for nursing system research in the doctoral program of the nursing faculty of the Philosophical-Theological University of Vallendar.

In 2006, Heribert Gärtner and others founded the community of saints Anargyroi Kosmas and Damian in Cologne , which now consists of three regional communities (Cologne, Essen, Rhein-Erft district) and is active on a voluntary basis in various diaconal-therapeutic fields of work. He has been the leader of this community since its inception.

Publications (selection)

  • Care systems research . In: Hermann Brandenburg, Manfred Hülsken-Giesler, Erika Sirsch (eds.): About the magic of the beginning and about the chances of the future. Festschrift for the 10th anniversary of the nursing faculty at the Philosophical-Theological University of Vallendar . Bern 2016, pp. 175–180
  • “Organizations don't kiss ...” On the architecture of the spirit of a house . In: Leidfaden. Specialist magazine for crises, suffering, grief , issue 1, 2016
  • "Just so you know: I will not suffer and I will determine my own end ..." The story of an announced but not committed suicide of a woman with brain metastases . In: Heribert precipitation , Ingo Proft (Ed.): Right to assisted death? Political, legal and ethical positions . Ostfildern 2015, pp. 69–81.
  • Small notes on the profile of Christian institutions. Learn from Markus . In: Anzeiger für die Seelsorge Heft 1, 2015, pp. 20–23.
  • Ethics and organization. Notes on a tense relationship . In: W. Heinemann, G. Maio (Hrsg.): Bringing ethics into structures. Food for thought on ethics advice in healthcare . Freiburg i. Br. 2010, pp. 40-58.
  • Management beyond rationality. On the phenomenology and logic of rumor as a form of communication in organizations . In: Ulrich Deller (Ed.): Cooperation Management (Writings of the KatHO NRW, Volume 9). Opladen u. Farmington 2009, pp. 110-135.
  • What happens when the gospel comes into the organization? Comments on the double formation of paradoxes and on paradox management in church institutions . In: George Augustin u. a. (Ed.): Christian ethos and lifestyle . Paderborn 2009, pp. 503-529.
  • Quality criteria for leaders . In: Theological-practical quarterly publication 157, 2009, pp. 27–37.
  • Leadership as a planned irritation. Small systemic essay on leadership in social enterprise . In: Lothar Krapohl u. a. (Ed.): Supervision in motion. Views and Insights . Opladen u. Farmington Hills 2008, pp. 243-256.
  • Clumsy tanker or brisk frigate? On the changeability of social organizations . In: Norbert Schuster (Ed.): Management and Theology. Leadership as a spiritual and theological competence . Freiburg 2008, pp. 77-88.
  • On the ambivalence of quality management. Control instrument or business accessory? In: Krankendienst 80, 2007, pp. 10-14.
  • How does the gospel get into the organization? In: Hanswalter Bohlander, Martin Büscher (Eds.): Recognizing and shaping values ​​in everyday business life (Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik 13). Munich and Mering 2004, pp. 71–84.
  • Church as an organization - (body of Christ) from an organizational theory perspective . In: Ways to People 54, 2002, pp. 373–388.
  • Does the care still need social skills? In: Thomas Eisenreich u. a. (Ed.): Handbook Pflegemanagement . Neuwied u. Kriftel 2002, pp. 121-130.
  • Corporate concepts - an indispensable part of every CI? Or does it only depend on the motivation of the employees? In: Wolfgang Helbig (Hrsg.): Positions and experiences. Corporate philosophy in diakonia . Hannover 1997, pp. 137-138.
  • The hospital as a system . In: Eduard Zwierlein (ed.): Clinic management . Munich-Vienna-Baltimore 1997, pp. 119-138.
  • On the way to Christian identity. Corporate identity as a contribution to the identification of the Henrietten Foundation . In: Wolfgang Helbig (Hrsg.): Positions and experiences. Corporate philosophy in diakonia . Hannover 1997, pp. 127-136.
  • Church reality is organizational. A plea for practical theological organization studies . In: Norbert Schuster, Ulrich Moser (ed.): Church as a profession . Mainz 1996, pp. 11-30.
  • Between management and charity. On the identity of the church hospital . Mainz 1994 (2nd edition 1995), ISBN 3-7867-1781-8 .
  • Leadership as a profession . In: Heribert W. Gärtner (Ed.): Leiten als Profession . Mainz 1992, pp. 13-36, ISBN 3-7867-1641-2 .
  • Highlights of the genre "Prenatales" or how the dip came about as an idea and was brought into being ... In: German Institute for Applied Nursing Research eV: Ten years of dip. Institute and business report . Cologne 2010, pp. 16-19.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Academic and professional career website of the Catholic University of North Rhine-Westphalia. Retrieved November 1, 2016.
  2. ^ Obituary for Heribert W. Gärtner of the DIP from January 31, 2017; Link checked on July 10, 2017
  3. ^ Obituary for Heribert W. Gärtner of the DIP from January 31, 2017; Link checked on July 10, 2017
  4. Functions and tasks website of the community of Saints Anargyroi Kosmas and Damian; Link checked on July 10, 2017.

Web links