Hermann August Korff

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Hermann August Korff (born April 3, 1882 in Bremen , † July 11, 1963 in Leipzig ) was a German philologist and literary historian .

Hermann August Korff


Hermann August Korff grave in the south cemetery in Leipzig

Korff was the son of the Bremen entrepreneur Wilhelm August Korff and his wife Agathe. From 1902 to 1906 he studied German , history and philosophy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . In 1907 he was in Heidelberg with the dissertation Scott and Alexis. A study of the technique of the Dr. phil. PhD. In 1913 Voltaire followed his habilitation as a classicist author in 18th century literary Germany at the Academy for Social and Commercial Sciences in Frankfurt am Main.

From 1914 to 1921 he was a private lecturer for modern German literature at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . In 1921 he became an adjunct professor in Frankfurt, in 1923 a full professor at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen and in 1925 a full professor at the University of Leipzig . One of his doctoral students was the later pedagogue and pioneer of Jewish social work Heinrich Selver , whose dissertation The view of the citizen in the German bourgeois drama of the 18th century had been rated cum laude by Korff .

Korff retired in 1954. He was a member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig.

His most important work is the spirit of the Goethe era . In the four-volume work he understands the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century as a uniform epoch in the German-speaking area, which in Hegel has its philosophical and in Goethe its poetic expression.

Korff's grandson is the oboe virtuoso Burkhard Glaetzner (* 1943).

Fonts (selection)

  • Spirit of Goethe's time: attempting an ideal development of the classical-romantic literary history.
    • Part 1: Sturm und Drang. Hirzel, Leipzig 1923. 8th, unchanged edition: Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1966.
    • Part 2, 1. Weltanschauung. Hirzel, Leipzig 1927.
    • Part 2, 2nd classic. Hirzel, Leipzig 1930. 8th, unchanged edition: Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1966.
    • Part 3: Early Romanticism. Hirzel, Leipzig 1940. 7th, unchanged edition: Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1966.
    • Part 4: Highly romantic. Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1953. 7th, unchanged edition 1966.
    • Register tape for all four volumes. Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1957. 6th, unchanged edition 1966.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hertha Luise Busemann: The headmaster - Heinrich Selver , in: Hertha Luise Busemann, Michael Daxner, Werner Fölling: Insel der Geborgenheit. The private forest school Kaliski 1932 to 1939 , Verlag JB Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 1992, ISBN 3-476-00845-2 , pp. 180-183. The view of the citizen in the German bourgeois drama of the 18th century (Leipzig Philosophical Dissertation from 1930) , Engelsdorf, Leipzig, 1931. Henrik Selver is named here as the author.