Hermann Brunnhofer

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Hermann (Gottlieb) Brunnhofer (born March 16, 1841 in Aarau , Canton Aargau , † October 28, 1916 in Munich ) was a Swiss philologist and orientalist.


His father was the cutler Gottlieb Brunnhofer. From 1861 to 1865 he studied philology in Bonn and Berlin and became a research assistant in Oxford. From 1868 to 1873 he was a teacher in Frick and at the Wettingen teacher training college . In 1871 he received his doctorate from the University of Zurich.

As the successor to Heinrich Kurz (1805–1873), he became a librarian at the Aargau Cantonal Library . In the first few years of his tenure, a number of large donations were made to the Aargau canton library, including the libraries of Messrs. May von Rued and von Schöftland (1877), the Rauchstein library (1879) and Augustin Keller's extensive collection of brochures (1883). The conception of a comprehensive systematic specialist catalog became Brunnhofer's main work. He was also the first president of the Central Switzerland Geographical-Commercial Society . He was removed from office in 1888 on charges of disorderly conduct after being charged with alleged misconduct.

In 1889 he became a teacher in Goldingen (Latvia), where the teachers' college had been relocated three years earlier. From 1891 to 1901 he served as a translator in Saint Petersburg . Then he was a lecturer in prehistory, historical topography , Russian language and literature in Bern . In 1908 he was appointed professor and in 1915 he moved to Munich.


  • Gala (galaktos), lac (lactis): the Graecoitalic name of milk. A monographic contribution to the oldest history of sensations of the Indo-European peoples . Dissertation Zurich 1871
  • Specialized catalog of the Aargau canton library ; 1881
  • Giordano Bruno's worldview and fate. Fues, Leipzig 1882 (digitized version and e-text from HU Berlin).
  • About the spirit of Indian poetry, with original translations from the collection of hymns in the Rigveda, the verse poets and Hâla 's anthology of popular love songs ; 1882
  • Festive poem for the opening ceremony of the Aarau hall building, December 16, 1883
  • The Indian driver Anquetil Duperron : Lecture given in Aarau den &. February 1883
  • About the original seat of the Indo-Europeans ; 1884
  • The Aesthetics of Languages: A New Area of ​​Natural Beauty ; 1886
  • To enrich manual skills lessons ; 1887
  • Festschrift for the celebration of the unveiling of the monument to Giordano Bruno on June 9, 1889 in Rome ; 1889
  • Giordano Bruno's doctrine of the smallest as the source of Leibnitz's pre-stabilized harmony ; 1890 (on monad (philosophy) )
  • From the Pontus to the Indus ; 1890
  • Goethe's visual power in the light of the ethnological comparison of language and myths ; 1890
  • Cultural change and international traffic ; 1891
  • with Ėsper Ėsperovich Ukhtomskīĭ (1861–1921): His Imperial Highness the heir to the throne Nikolaus Alexandrovich of Russia traveled to the Orient, 1890–1891 ; Volume 2
  • From the Aral to the Gangâ: historical-geographical and ethnological sketches on the prehistory of mankind ; 1892
  • Prehistory of the Aryans in the Middle East and Central Asia: historical-geographical investigations into the oldest scene of the Rigveda and Avesta ; Volume 3, 1893
  • Russia's hand over Asia: historical-geographical essays on the development history of the Russian idea of ​​the empire ; 1897
  • Homeric puzzles: the Homeric epithets ornantia interpreted etymologically and historically and geographically ; 1899
  • Russia's boom or decline ?: Impressions and dreams for the future on a trip to the Volga from Kazan to Astrakhan in the late summer of 1905 ; 1906
  • Eastern becoming: cultural exchange and trade between Orient and Occident from prehistoric times to the present ; 1907
  • Aryan primeval times ; 1910
  • The Book of the Hundred Paths Çatapatha Brahmana ; 1910
  • Catechism of peace ; 1914
  • Iran and Turan: Historical-Geographical and Ethnological Studies on the Oldest Site of Indian Prehistory ; 1923
  • The Swiss hero legend in connection with the German gods and hero legend


Hermann Brunnhofer . In: Article in the magazine of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft , Volume 71, pp. 431 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Mumenthaler: Brunnhofer, Hermann. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ Heinrich Christ: Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, Aarau. Handbook of the historical book collections in Switzerland. In: hhch.eurospider.com. July 2006, archived from the original on November 26, 2011 ; Retrieved July 20, 2013 .