Hermann Delitsch

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Hermann Delitsch (born February 4, 1869 in Leipzig ; † March 20, 1937 ) was a German type designer and graphic artist in Leipzig.


The father Otto Delitsch was a geography professor in Leipzig, the mother Agnes Lommatzsch was a favorite student of Friedrich Froebel . Brother Johannes became a teacher and school director.

Hermann Delitsch studied medicine at his father's request . Only after his mother's death in 1892 did he turn to art and initially became a decorative painter in Leipzig. Then he began studying at the local art academy and arts and crafts school , including with the graphics professor Carl Weichardt . In 1900 Delitsch became his provisional successor.

From 1903 he taught font design at the redesigned art academy. In 1907 he attended courses with Rudolf von Larisch in Vienna for some time and then continued to teach in Leipzig. In 1916 he was appointed professor there. Until 1934 Hermann Delitsch shaped numerous students such as Karl Mahr , Jan Tschichold , Hans Bunge-Ottensen and Paul Crone .


Hermann Delitsch developed several fonts ( Delitsch-Antiqua , Ramses Antiqua , Kanzlei-Fraktur ). There are also graphics and oil paintings by him .

Hermann Delitsch published several works on the history and technology of the art of writing.

  • Art writing, from writing lessons in Germany , Berlin 1909
  • History of occidental cursive forms , Leipzig: Hiersemann, 1928
  • Handling letters. Textbook of artistic writing , Berlin / Leipzig: Heintze & Blanckertz, 1931, new edition 1941


  • Saur General Artist Lexicon. Volume 25. KG Saur, Munich / Leipzig 2000
  • Eberhard Hölscher: Professor Hermann Delitsch in memory . In: The contemporary font . Verlag für Briefkunde Heintze & Blanckertz., Leipzig July 1937. P. 24f. (Obituary)
  • Gustav Pazaurek : The Leipzig writing school. In: Kunstgewerbeblatt . 1911. pp. 193-196, here pp. 194f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ G Hermann Delitsch Klingspor Museum (pdf)