Hermann Dietrich Upmann

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Hermann Dietrich Upmann

Hermann Dietrich Upmann (born May 1, 1816  in  Bielefeld-Altstadt , † January 29,  1894  in  Bremen ) was a banker , merchant and cigar manufacturer in Cuba and Germany. He was the founder of the H. Upmann & Co. banking house and the H. Upmann cigar brand . His father was the businessman and watchmaker Hermann Friedrich Upmann (1767-1840), his mother was Johanne Friederike Birkenmeyer (1775-1840). In 1848 Hermann Upmann married Wilhelmine Gravenhorst (1825–1849) in Bremen.


In 1839, at the age of 23, Upmann moved to Cuba to work for the import / export company Gravenhorst & Co. During the trip, a British man persuaded him to stay in Havana , where the tobacco business flourished. Upmann accepted the suggestion. He learned the processes and secrets of cigar making, bought a local cigar factory at 85 Calle San Miguel in Havana, created the H. Upmann brand in 1844 , one of the oldest cigar brands in the world, and founded the H. Upmann & Co.

The brand has proven itself on the international market. In 1855 he received his first award from the Provider of His Majesty Don Alfonso XII, King of Spain . This was the first of many awards. His factory became the five largest tobacco factories in Cuba. Upmann supplied the royal houses of Germany, Russia, France, Austria-Hungary and Great Britain. Hermann Upmann has been appointed director of the Havana Cigar Brand Association , an organization that combats the production and sale of counterfeit cigars.

However, Upmann found the tropical climate in Cuba uncomfortable and therefore decided against permanent residence. His youngest brother August Ludwig Upmann (* 1818), who already worked with him in Cuba, stayed in his place. Upmann returned to Germany in 1848 and founded the cigar company Gebrüder Upmann & Co. Bremen .

In 1864 his nephew Heinrich Upmann arrived in Cuba. With the capital brought in mainly by his uncle, they set up an organization that offered banking services to tobacco producers and traders in the Antilles . The company grew to the point where it turned into a vertical operation : They took care of the seed beds , plants , harvest , manufacture and packaging . Upmann founded the shipping company Gudewill & Upmann in 1857 with Friedrich Wilhelm Gudewill , which took care of the transport of cigars to Europe.

Upmann retired in 1890, followed by his nephew Heinrich Upmann, who continued the business with his partners Heinrich Runken and Theodore Garbade . Garbade was also President of the Association of Cigarette Manufacturers of Cuba.

Upmann was buried in the grave of the Upmann family at the Riensberg cemetery in Bremen.

Individual evidence

  1. Margrit Schulte Beerbühl and Barbara Frey: The H. Upmann cigar - The Bielefeld Hermann Dietrich Upmann and creating a global brand . Ed .: Johannes altenbeerend. Bielefeld 2015, p. 246 ( stadterkundungen-bielefeld.de [PDF]).
  2. ^ Raúl Martell Álvarez: La historia de un mito. PressReader.com, February 27, 2017, accessed October 5, 2017 (Spanish).
  3. ^ H. Upmann Cigars - Cuban Cigar Reviews. Retrieved October 5, 2017 .
  4. ^ Heinrich Dietrich Carl Upmann: Acknowledgment Upmannscher achievement. October 16, 2015, accessed October 6, 2017 .
  5. Nelson Rivera: La familia alemana que creó un imperio de habanos en Cuba. In: ALnavío. Noticias de ida y vuelta. April 30, 2017, Retrieved October 5, 2017 (Spanish).
  6. ^ A b Heinrich Dietrich Carl Upmann: The birth of the Upmann cigars and the building of the Upmann empire 1844 - 1870. October 16, 2015, accessed on October 6, 2017 .
  7. ^ Cuba: Colección legislativa . Rambla y Bouza, 1920 ( google.co.uk [accessed October 5, 2017]).