Hermann Franck (writer)

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Hermann Franck (born April 14, 1802 in Breslau , † November 3, 1855 in Brighton , England ) was a German writer, esthete and critic.


Franck is the brother of the composer Eduard Franck . As a student of Hegel , a friend of Heinrich Heine and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy , as a confidante of Richard Wagner and Arnold Ruge , as a conversation partner with Alexander von Humboldt and Karl August Varnhagen von Enses in Berlin, he was at the center of the constitutional development of the Vormärz , the history of ideas, literature and music the first half of the 19th century.

After studying natural sciences in Breslau, Göttingen and Berlin and obtaining a doctorate as a Dr. phil. In 1826/1827 Franck wrote articles for the Berliner Allgemeine Musikische Zeitung by Adolf Bernhard Marx and in 1830 published a well-received article on Bach's St. Matthew Passion . In the following years Franck lived in Paris, where he associated with Heine, Börne , Hiller , Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer , Chopin and Liszt . In 1838 he married the daughter of Prince Heinrich of Prussia , who lived there and was a brother of Friedrich Wilhelm III.

In 1839 Franck took over the responsible editing of the Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung and then worked as an author for the Young Hegelian Hallic Yearbooks for German Science and Art and German Yearbooks for Science and Art, respectively, published by Arnold Ruge and Ernst Theodor Echtermeyer . Later he discussed Richard Wagner's work in detail. On May 26, 1840, son Hugo was born in Leipzig. Franck's pedagogically oriented diary for Hugo ( If you read this… , Munich 1997, the same Munich 2000) is one of the most important childhood books in literary history ( Hartmut von Hentig ). In 1846/47 he also corresponded with Robert Schumann .

Franck died after falling from the window of his room in the Brighton Hotel Albion early in the morning of November 3, 1855. His son Hugo, who had come to England with his father to work on an East Indiaman, was found suffocated in the hotel room. The circumstances of the double death remained unexplained; Hugo had suffered from previous illnesses.


  • Andreas Feuchte: Hermann Franck (1802–1855). Personality between philosophy, politics and art in the pre-March period. Frankfurt am Main 1998.
  • Richard Wagner: My life. Munich 1994.
  • Karl August Varnhagen von Ense: Diaries.
  • Family item Franck. In: Music in the past and present. 2nd edition, personal part 6.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bote for Tyrol and Vorarlberg, November 12, 1855, No. 259, p. 1395
  2. Lothar Müller: The son has someone who writes to him ( Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , October 14, 1997, No. 238, page L8, accessed February 23, 2019)

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